1. 作 and 做 are sometimes interchangeable 做 originated from northern dialects and appeared later than 作. Words with 作 are used more often in literature and classical Chinese. 做 is more commonly used. They are interchangeable in some cases.
2. 做 as a verb, means "make, be, or do".
3. 作 - 【Verb Words】 作 can be used in verb words.
4. 作 - 【Noun Words】(1) 作 can be used in noun words.
5. 作 - 【Noun Words】(2) dòngzuò 动作 movement n./zuòjiā 作家 writer n./ zuòzhě 作者 author n./zuòyè 作业 school assignment n./zuòyòng 作用 an effect n./ gōngzuò 工作 job n.
6. 作 can be used in words related to Art or Literature.
7. X + 作 or XX + 作 作 is used as the last character of double-syllable Words or three-syllable Words, but 做 cannot.
8. 做 as a verb can be followed by the object in the sentence. 首字是"zuo"的动宾词组,全用“做”。
9. 作 - 【Idioms】 作 is mostly used in written language, especially classical Chinese, and idioms
10. 做 - Fix expressions 做 can be used in a few idioms or fixed expressions.
11. 作 is used in words which have the meaning of "doing bad things". 作恶 作弊
12. 作 can be used in words which means "Pretend,feign".
13. 做 is used with words containing 作.
14. 做 can be followed by the Verb complement.
15. 做 can express the act of doing something specific.