每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

HSK 1 Chinese Grammar Lesson 2 - Expressing Time

1 Expressing Time

2 Positions of Time Phrases(1)

3 Positions of Time Phrases(2)

4 Positions of Time Phrases(3)

5 Positions of Time Phrases(4)

6 了+ Duration of Time +了

7 It "它": referring to time

8 This, next and last: Day / Year

9 上"last"/下"next"+星期/月

10 几点-"What time" / 什么时候-"When"

11 Measure Word 个 + 星期/月

12 Numeral + 年/天/分钟

13 小时 vs. 点/点钟

14 分 vs. 分钟

15 分 vs. 分钟

16 Adverbial time phrase

17 Adverbial time phrase

18 Time phrase as verb complement

music: Moving On - Wayne Jones