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HSK 1 Chinese Grammar Lesson 3 - Adverbs[不,没,很,太,都]

1 不+Verb/Adj./Adv. "Not"

2 Negative Answer: 不"No"

3 Verb + 不: Negation of the complement clause

4 不-不-"neither…nor"

5 不+大+Verb "not very; not often"

6 Negation of modal verbs

7 不 vs. 没

8 没有 = The negative form of 有

9 Comparison:没"not as good as;inferior to"

10 Adv. 很 "very"

11 很不 vs. 不很

12 Adv. 太 "too"

13 不+太+adj. "not very; not too"

14 Negation of adv. 都 "all"

15 Adv. 都 "even; already"

16 Time + 没/不 + Verb

17 不+了 "not-anymore"

18 什么/谁 + 都 + 没/不 + Verb "not anything/anyone"