每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

The usages of 上 Shàng - Chinese Grammar Points (39)

1 Verb 上 + Noun
Used as a verb to mean "be engaged (in work, study, etc.) at a fixed time".

2 Verb 上 + Noun
Used as a verb to mean "go up; mount; board; get on".

3 在 + Location + 上
Used in prepositional phrases with 在 to express location.

4 在 + Noun + 上
Used in prepositional phrases with 在 to express "certain aspects of something".

5  Location+上+Verb+着 (zhe)+...
The location with 上 can be placed in the position of subject and followed by Verb+ 着 (zhe).

6  Verb+上+(了)
Used after the verb to indicate the direction of the action. 了 is used after the verb to indicate completion of the action.

7  Verb+上+(了)
Used after the verb to indicate the result of the action.

8  比得上 or 比不上
比得上 and 比不上 are fixed expressions to make comparison.

9  上 + Time Word
星期 "week", 月 "month" and 季度 "quarter" can use with 上 "last" / 上上 "before last"。