每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

No.5【HSK4 - Vocabulary】 (Nouns 名词)

Youtube Playlist: HSK4 - Vocabulary

  1. kètīng - 客厅 - living room;
    Tā bǎ nà bù lǎo diànhuà bān dàole kètīng lǐ.
    She moved that old phone to the living room.
  2. cāntīng - 餐厅 - restaurant;
    Zài cāntīng lǐ wǒ yīnggāi fù duōshǎo xiǎofèi?
    How much tip should I pay in the restaurant?
  3. jùhuì - 聚会 - meeting; get-together;
    Jīn wǎn wǒmen huì yǒu yīgè jùhuì.
    We will have a get-together tonight.
  4. yuēhuì - 约会 - date; appointment;
    Tā bǎ wǒmen de yuēhuì wàng dé yīgān èr jìng.
    He forgot our date completely.
  5. jiājù - 家具 - furniture;
    Kètīng lǐ de jiājù hěn jiùle.
    The furniture in the living room is very old.
  6. shāfā - 沙发 - sofa; upholstered arm chair;
    Tā tǎng zài shāfā shàng xiǎoshuìle yīhuǐ'er.
    He lay on the sofa and took a nap.
  7. wèishēngjiān - 卫生间 - bathroom; lavatory; toilet;
    Wǒ qù wèishēngjiān xǐle liǎn.
    I went to the bathroom and washed my face.
  8. cèsuǒ - 厕所 - washroom; bathroom; toilet;
    Nǐ zhīdào nǚ cè suǒzài nǎ'er ma?
    Do you know where the ladies' washroom are?
  9. chuānghu - 窗户 - window;
    Chúfēi tiānqì fēicháng lěng, wǒ cái huì guānshàng chuānghù.
    I won't close the window unless the weather is very cold.