每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

No.6 每日中文 【HSK4 - Vocabulary】 Nouns 名词

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  1. dìdiǎn - 地点 - place; site; spot;

    Zhè shì shìgù fāshēng dì dìdiǎn.


    This is the site where the accident happened.

  2. dìzhǐ - 地址 - address;

    Wǒ yī zhǎodào zhù dì dìfāng jiù bǎ dìzhǐ gàosù nǐ.


    Once I find the place to live I'll tell you the address.

  3. jiāoqū - 郊区 - suburbs; outskirts;

    Gōngsī juédìng bān dào jiāoqū qù.


    The company decided to relocate to the suburbs.

  4. duìmiàn - 对面 - the opposite side;

    Wǒ zhù zài xué jiào duìmiàn.


    I live on the opposite side of the school.

  5. zhōuwéi - 周围 - surrounding;

    Tā de zhōuwéi yǒu xǔduō shù.


    There are many trees in its surroundings.

  6. rùkǒu - 入口 - entrance; entry;

    Tā chángcháng zài xuéxiào de rùkǒu chù děng wǒ.


    He often waits for me at the entrance to the school.

  7. fāngxiàng - 方向 - direction;

    Fēijī xiàng xiāngfǎn de fāngxiàng fēi qù.


    The plane is flying in opposite directions.

  8. zuòwèi - 座位 - seat;

    Zhège zuòwèi yǒurén ma?


    Is this seat taken?

  9. hàomǎ - 号码 - number;

    Qǐng bǎ nǐ de xìnyòngkǎ hàomǎ xiě zài zhè zhāng biǎogé shàng.


    Please write your credit card number on this form.