每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

汉字故事 -【人】

man | person | people

Pictogram. In the Oracle Bone Script, Bronze Script and Small Seal Script, it depicts a person harvesting with both hands (people working in farm). In the Regular Script, it depicts a man standing in upright posture.
Chinese characters with the radical include: gè--single, cóng--follow, zhòng--everyone, etc. 
Chinese characters with the radical include: tā--he,mén--(plural marker),dài--generation,etc.

“人”是汉字部首之一,用字旁 的汉字有:个、从、众等。单人旁 ()的汉字有:他、们、代等。 

  1. Chinese characters with the radical 亻
  2. Chinese characters with the radical 人