HSK 4 > Reading Comprehension (List) > No.70
上午来应聘的那个小伙子是学电子技术的,成绩很优秀,通过面试时和 他的对话,感觉他的性格也不错,我觉得他挺适合这份工作的。★ 他觉得那个小伙子怎么样?
A很帅 B不诚实 C性格好 D能力一般
- yìngpìn 应聘 attend interview | employed by (HSK 4) [v.]
- xiǎohuǒzi 小伙子 young man | young fellow (HSK 4) [n.]
- diànzǐ 电子 electronic (HSK 4) [n.]
- jìshù 技术 technology | technique (HSK 4) [n.]
- yōuxiù 优秀 outstanding | great | superior (HSK 4) [adj.]
- tōngguò 通过 through | by means of | by way of (HSK 4) [prep.]
- duìhuà 对话 dialogue (HSK 4) [n.]
- gǎnjué 感觉 sense | perceive | feel (HSK 4) [v.]
- xìnggé 性格 character | nature | temperament (HSK 4) [n.]
- tǐng 挺 quite | very | pretty (HSK 4) [adv.]
- shìhé 适合 fit | suit | be appropriate for (HSK 4) [v.]
- fèn 份 (measure word for newspapers, documents etc.) | part | portions (HSK 4) [nm.]
- shuài 帅 handsome | graceful (used for a man) (HSK 4) [adj.]
- chéngshí 诚实 honest (HSK 4) [adj.]
- nénglì 能力 ability | capability (HSK 4) [n.]
Answers: C.性格好