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Chinese characters with the radical 女( Nǚ-Woman )

Radicals (Thumbnails) >> Nǚ-女(Woman)
The radical 女(Nǚ) is commonly known as 女字旁(Nǚ Zì Páng). Chinese characters having this radical are often related to female, such as: Xìng-姓(a family name inherited from one's mother, invented in matriarchal period), Tā-她(she), Mā-妈(mother).

(5 characters)
(5 characters)
(3 characters)

HSK Level 1:    5 characters

1 【hǎo/hào】 good | well, be fond of
  • 【hǎo】 good | nice | well | fine [level: 1] adj.
  • 【hǎo】 ok | please [level: 1]
  • 【hǎo】 very [level: 1] adv.
  • 【nǐ hǎo】 Hello | Hi | how do you do [level: 1]
  • 【hǎochī】 delicious [level: 2] adj.
  • 【àihào】 hobby | an interest | fancy [level: 3] n.
  • 【àihào】 be fond of or keen on | have a taste for [level: 3] v.
  • 意思【bùhǎoyìsi】 be ill-at-ease | feel shy or sorry [level: 4]
  • 【hǎochù】 benefit | good point | advantage [level: 4] n.
  • 【hǎoxiàng】 seem | as if | be like | look like [level: 4] adv.
  • 【měihǎo】 bright | beautiful [level: 4] adj.
  • 【yǒuhǎo】 friendly | amicable [level: 4] adj.
  • 【zhènghǎo】 suitable [level: 4] adj.
  • 【zhǐhǎo】 have to | be obliged to | cannot… but… [level: 4] adv.
  • 【zuìhǎo】 had better | would be best | may as well do [level: 4] adv.
  • 【zhènghǎo】 just | exactly | [level: 4] adv.
  • 【zuìhǎo】 the best | first-rate [level: 4] adj.
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    2 【tā】 she
  • 【tā】 she | her [level: 1] pron.
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    3 【nǚ】 female | woman
  • 【nǚ’ér】 daughter [level: 1] n.
  • 【nǚ】 woman | female [level: 2] n.
  • 【nǚhái】 girl [level: 2] n.
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    4 【mā】 mother | ma | mamma
  • 【māma 】 mother | ma | mamma | mum [level: 1] n.
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    5 【jiě】 older sister
  • 【xiǎojiě】 Miss [level: 1] n.
  • 【jiějie】 elder sister [level: 2] n.
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    HSK Level 2:    5 characters

    1 【shǐ】 begin
  • 【kāishǐ】 start | begin [level: 2] v.
  • 【kāishǐ】 beginning [level: 2] n.
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    2 【qī/qì】 wife
  • 【qīzi】 wife [level: 2] n.
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    3 【xìng】 surname | family name | name
  • 【xìng】 surname [level: 2] n.
  • 【xìng】 take … as surname [level: 2] v.
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    4 【mèi】 younger sister
  • 【mèimei】 younger sister [level: 2] n.
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    5 【nǎi】 breast | lady | milk
  • 【niúnǎi】 milk [level: 2] n.
  • 【nǎinai】 grandmother [level: 3] n.
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    HSK Level 3:    3 characters

    1 【rú】 as (if) | such as
  • 【rúguǒ】 if | in case | in the event of | supposing that [level: 3] conj.
  • 【bǐrú】 take sth for example [level: 4] v.
  • 【lìrú】 for example | for instance [level: 4] adv.
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    2 【hūn】 to marry | marriage | wedding | to take a wife
  • 【jiéhūn】 get married [level: 3] sv.
  • 【líhūn】 divorce [level: 4] sv.
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    3 【yí】 one's mother's sister | aunt
  • 【āyí】 aunt [level: 3] n.
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