每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

Chinese characters with the radical 一( Yī - One )

Radicals (Thumbnails) >> 一(Yī)
Chinese characters having this radical may be related to numbers.

(7 characters)
(2 characters)
(4 characters)
(5 characters)

HSK Level 1:    7 characters

1 【yī】 one | 1 | single | a(n)
  • 块儿【yīkuài er】 together [level: 1] vm.
  • 【yī】 one [level: 1] num.
  • 【yī】 one | used between a reduplicative verb [level: 1] num.
  • 点儿【yīdiǎn er】 a little [level: 1] nm.
  • 【yīxiē】 some [level: 1] adj.
  • 【dì yī】 first [level: 2] num.
  • 【yíxià】 once | in a short while [level: 2] vm.
  • 【yìqǐ】 together [level: 2] adv.
  • ...就【yī... jiù】 as soon as | right away | immediately | right now [level: 2]
  • 【yídìng】 surely | certainly | necessarily [level: 3] adv.
  • 【yígòng】 altogether | in all | in total [level: 3] adv.
  • 会儿【yìhuǐ'er】 for a while | a moment [level: 3] adv.
  • 【yíyàng】 the same [level: 3] adj.
  • 【yìbān】 usually | generally | ordinarily [level: 3] adv.
  • 【yìbiān】 while | as | at the same time | simultaneously [level: 3] adv.
  • 【yìzhí】 always | all the time | all along [level: 3] adv.
  • 【yìbiān】 one side [level: 3] n.
  • 跟...【gēn... yīyàng】 the same as [level: 3]
  • 【yīqiè】 every | all [level: 4] adj.
  • 【yīqiè】 all | every | everything [level: 4] n.
  • 三七二十【sānqī'èrshíyī】 3 x 7 = 21 [level: 4]
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    2 【bù/bú】 not | (negative prefix) | no
  • 客气【búkèqi】 You're welcome. [level: 1]
  • 【bù】 not | no [level: 1] adv.
  • 【duìbuqǐ】 sorry | I'm sorry. [level: 1]
  • 【bùshǎo】 quite a lot [level: 1] adj.
  • 见了【bùjiànle】 disappear | be lost | be gone | be missing [level: 1]
  • 怎么样【bù zěmeyàng】 so-so | not very good | very indifferent | not up to much [level: 2]
  • 【bùcuò】 pretty good | not bad [level: 2] adj.
  • 但-而且-【búdàn-érqiě-】 not only- but also- [level: 3] conj.
  • 【búguò】 but | however [level: 4] conj.
  • 【bùdébù】 have to | must | [level: 4] adv.
  • 【bùguǎn】 no matter | whether or not [level: 4] conj.
  • 好意思【bùhǎoyìsi】 be ill-at-ease | feel shy or sorry [level: 4]
  • 【bùjǐn】 not only [level: 4] conj.
  • 【chàbuduō】 almost | about | nearly | [level: 4] adv.
  • 【láibují】 There's not enough time [level: 4]
  • 【shòubuliǎo】 can't bear | can't stand [level: 4]
  • 是...而是【bùshì... ér shì】 not...but... [level: 4] conj.
  • 【bìngbù】 not | not at all | by no means | in no sense: [level: 4] adv.
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    3 【shàng】 on | on top | upon | first (of two parts) | previous or last (week, etc.) | upper | higher | above | previous | to climb | to go into | above | to go up
  • 【shàng】 on | up | upward [level: 1] n.
  • 【shàng】 be engaged (in work, study, etc.) at a fixed time [level: 1] v.
  • 【shàng】 go up | mount | board | get on [level: 1] v.
  • 【shàngwǔ】 morning [level: 1] n.
  • 【shàngbān】 go to work | start work [level: 2] sv.
  • 【wǎnshang】 evening [level: 2] n.
  • 【zǎoshang】 morning [level: 2] n.
  • 【shàngkè】 attend class [level: 2] sv.
  • 【shàngxué】 go to school | attend school [level: 2] sv.
  • 【mǎshàng】 immediately | at once [level: 3] adv.
  • 【shàngwǎng】 get online [level: 3] v.
  • 实际【shíjìshang】 actually | as a matter of fact | in fact [level: 4] adv.
  • 【yǐshàng】 the above | the above-mentioned [level: 4] n.
  • 【shàngtiān】 God | Heaven | providence [level: 4] n.
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    4 【xià】 under | second (of two parts) | next (week, etc.) | lower | below | underneath | down(wards) | to decline | to go down | latter
  • 【xià】 under | below [level: 1] n.
  • 【xià】 fall [level: 1] v.
  • 【xià】 next [level: 1] n.
  • 【xià】 go down | get off [level: 1] v.
  • 【xià】 finish | leave (work or shift or class) [level: 1] v.
  • 【xiàwǔ】 afternoon [level: 1] n.
  • 【xiàyǔ】 rain [level: 1] sv.
  • 【yíxià】 once | in a short while [level: 2] vm.
  • 【xiàxuě】 snowing [level: 2] v.
  • 【Xiàbān】 off work | come off work | go off work [level: 3] v.
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    5 【sān】 three | 3
  • 【sān】 three [level: 1] num.
  • 七二十一【sānqī'èrshíyī】 3 x 7 = 21 [level: 4]
  • 叶草【sānyècǎo】 clover [level: 4] n.
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    6 【dōng】 east
  • 西【dōngxi】 thing | object [level: 1] n.
  • 【dōng】 east [level: 3] n.
  • 【fángdōng】 landlord [level: 4] n.
  • 广【Guǎngdōng】 Guangdong, a province of southeast China [level: 4] n.
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    7 【qī】 seven | 7
  • 【qī】 seven [level: 1] num.
  • 二十一【sānqī'èrshíyī】 3 x 7 = 21 [level: 4]
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    HSK Level 2:    2 characters

    1 【liǎng】 both | two | ounce | some | a few | tael
  • 【liǎng】 two [level: 2] num.
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    2 【zhàng】 ten feet
  • 【zhàngfu】 husband [level: 2] n.
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    HSK Level 3:    4 characters

    1 【yè】 business | occupation | study
  • 【zuòyè】 school assignment | study assignment [level: 3] n.
  • 【bìyè】 graduate [level: 4] sv.
  • 【zhíyè】 occupation | profession | vocation [level: 4] n.
  • 【zhuānyè】 major | specialty [level: 4] n.
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    2 【shì】 life | age | generation | era | world | lifetime
  • 【shìjiè】 the world | the earth | the globe | the universe [level: 3] n.
  • 【shìjì】 century [level: 4] n.
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    3 【qiě】 further | moreover
  • 不但-而-【búdàn-érqiě-】 not only- but also- [level: 3] conj.
  • 【bìngqiě】 in addition | furthermore | besides [level: 4] conj.
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    4 【wàn】 ten thousand | Wan (surname) | a great number
  • 【wàn】 ten thousand [level: 3] num.
  • 【qiānwàn】 be sure to | in any case | [level: 4] adv.
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    HSK Level 4:    5 characters

    1 【wú】 none | -less | not to have | no | not | to lack | un-
  • 【wú】 have not | there be not [level: 4] v.
  • 【wúliáo】 boring | dull | uninteresting [level: 4] adj.
  • 【wúlùn】 no matter what (how) | regardless of [level: 4] conj.
  • 【wújià】 priceless [level: 4] adj.
  • 【wúfǎ】 unable | incapable | cannot [level: 4] v.
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    2 【yú/yǔ/yù】 and | to give | together with, take part in,(interrog. part.)
  • 【yǔ】 with | to [level: 4] prep.
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    3 【zhuān】 special | expert | for a particular person, occasion, purpose | focused on one thing | particular (to sth) | concentrated | specialized, concentrated | specialized
  • 【zhuānmén】 specially | technically [level: 4] adv.
  • 【zhuānyè】 major | specialty [level: 4] n.
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    4 【yán】 (air or water) tight | stern | serious | strict | severe
  • 【yángé】 strict | rigorous | stringent [level: 4] adj.
  • 【yánzhòng】 serious | grave | acute [level: 4] adj.
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    5 【lí/lì】 beautiful | Korea
  • 【měilì】 beautiful [level: 4] adj.
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