词根 Root | 词缀 Affix (Videos) >>气 -------- 例句(40 Example Sentences)
qì 气 air | gas | meteorology | natural phenomena | smell | breath | mood | spirit | atmosphere | angry | manner | character | vital energy | appearance | general mood | luck
"气" is a very old Chinese character. We can find its source in Oracle Bone Script. Its original meaning is cloud. During thousands of years of development, "气" has extended to meanings such as: smell, breath, mood, atmosphere etc.

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例句(40 Example Sentences)
气: 不客气 | 天气 | 生气 | 空气 | 力气 | 脾气 | 气候 | 气温 | 气氛 | 小气 | 勇气 | 语气 | 运气 | 淘气 | 叹气 | 喘气 | 风气 | 服气 | 福气 | 和气 | 娇气 | 口气 | 理直气壮 | 气概 | 气功 | 气魄 | 气色 | 气势 | 气味 | 气象 | 气压 | 气质 | 神气 | 天然气 | 泄气 | 氧气 | 朝气蓬勃 | 争气 | 正气 | 志气 |1. búkèqì 不客气 You're welcome. 【HSK-1】
- “Fēicháng gǎnxiè nǐ de bāngzhù.” “Bùkèqì.”“非常感谢你的帮助。” “不客气。”"Thank you so much for helping." "You're welcome." 12994
2. tiānqì 天气 weather 【HSK-1】
- Yīnwèi huài tiānqì, wǒmen bìxū tuīchí huìyì.因为坏天气,我们必须推迟会议。We have to postpone the meeting because of the bad weather. 12997
3. shēngqì 生气 be angry | take offence | be offended 【HSK-3】
【生(generate) + 气(angry)】
- Yīnwèi tā zǒngshì chídào, wǒ hěn shēng tā de qì.因为他总是迟到,我很生他的气。I am very angry with him, because he is always late, 12665
4. kōngqì 空气 air 【HSK-4】
【空(sky) + 气(air) 】
- Gōngyuán lǐ kōngqì fēicháng xīnxiān.公园里空气非常新鲜。The air in the park is so fresh. 8782
5. lìqì 力气 (physical) strength | might | force 【HSK-4】
- Wǒmen méiyǒu lìqi zài wǎng qián zǒule.我们没有力气再往前走了.We lacked the strength to walk any further. 9994
6. píqì 脾气 temper | disposition 【HSK-4】
- Nǐ wèishéme fā zhème dà de píqì? Fāshēng shénme shìle?你为什么发这么大的脾气?发生什么事了?Why do you have such a big temper? What happened? 12617
7. qìhòu 气候 climate 【HSK-4】
【气(natural phenomena) + 候(time)】
- Dìzhōnghǎi qìhòu shìhé zhòngzhí pútáo.地中海气候适合种植葡萄。The Mediterranean climate is good for growing grapes. 9640
8. qìwēn 气温 temperature | air temperature | atmospheric temperature 【HSK-4】
- Zuìjìn jǐ tiān qìwēn tūrán shàngshēngle.最近几天气温突然上升了。Temperatures have risen over the past few days. 12993
9. qìfēn 气氛 atmosphere | air 【HSK-5】
【气(atmosphere) + 氛(vapor)】
- Tāmen zhī jiān de qìfēn hěn jǐnzhāng.他们之间的气氛很紧张。The air was heavy between them. 12961
10. xiǎoqì 小气 stingy | parsimonious | niggardly | mean | tight | close 【HSK-5】
- Tā fēicháng xiǎoqì, wǒmen yīqǐ chūqù shí tā cónglái bu qǐng hējiǔ.他非常小气,我们一起出去时他从来不请喝酒。He's really stingy and never buys anyone a drink when we go out. 12962
11. yǒngqì 勇气 courage | nerve 【HSK-5】
- Wǒ guòle jǐ gè yuè cái gǔ qǐ yǒngqì yāoqiú shēngzhí.我过了几个月才鼓起勇气要求升职。It took me months to summon the courage to ask for a promotion. 12963
12. yǔqì 语气 tone | manner of speaking 【HSK-5】
【语(language) + 气(mood)】
- Bié yòng zhè zhǒng yǔqì tóng wǒ jiǎnghuà!别用这种语气同我讲话!Don't talk to me in this tone! 12964
13. yùnqì 运气 fortune | luck 【HSK-5】
【运(luck) + 气(luck)】
- Wǒ zài jīchǎng zhǎodào tā zhēnshi yùnqì.我在机场找到她真是运气。I was lucky to find her at the airport. 12965
14. táoqì 淘气 naughty | mischievous 【HSK-5】
- Zhēn táoqì, nǐ bùnéng bǎ shíwù rēng zài dìshàng!真淘气,你不能把食物扔在地上!Now that's naughty, don't throw food on the floor! 12995
15. tànqì 叹气 sigh 【HSK-6】
- Tā shēn tàn yīkǒu qì, zuòle xiàlái.她深叹一口气,坐了下来。She sighed deeply and sat down. 12992
16. chuǎnqì 喘气 breathe | pant | gasp 【HSK-6】
【喘(asthma) + 气(breath)】
- Tā késòuzhe dàkǒu chuǎnqì.她咳嗽着大口喘气。She is coughing and gasping for breath. 12967
17. fēngqì 风气 general mood | atmosphere | common practice | fashion | ethos 【HSK-6】
【风(custom) + 气(mood)】
- Tā huì gǎibiàn wǒmen de shèhuì fēngqì ma?它会改变我们的社会风气吗?Will it change our social atmosphere? 12968
18. fúqì 服气 be convinced 【HSK-6】
- Wǒ duì lǎoshī de pīpíng gǎndào bù fúqì.我对老师的批评感到不服气。I am not convinced by the teacher's criticism. 12969
19. fúqì 福气 good fortune | happy lot | 【HSK-6】
- Jùshuō jīnnián chūshēng de háizi huì hěn yǒu fúqì.据说今年出生的孩子会很有福气。It is said that children born this year will be very blessed. 12970
20. héqì 和气 gentle | kind | polite 【HSK-6】
【和(gentle;mild) + 气(样子 appearance)::: Adjective + 气, such as 秀气(delicate)】
- Tā duì línjū hěn héqì.他对邻居很和气。He is very kind to his neighbors. 12971
21. jiāoqì 娇气 delicate | squeamish | finicky | liking comfort 【HSK-6】
- Māo shì hěn jiāoqì de dòngwù.猫是很娇气的动物。Cats are very delicate animals. 12972
22. kǒuqì 口气 tone | note 【HSK-6】
- “Nǐ fēiděi qù bùkě”, tā yòng qiángdiào de kǒuqì shuō.“你非得去不可”,她用强调的口气说。"You must go", she said in an emphatic tone. 12973
23. lǐzhíqìzhuàng 理直气壮 straightforward | be in the right and self-confident | 【HSK-6】
- Tā lǐzhíqìzhuàng de huídále nàgè wèntí.他理直气壮地回答了那个问题。He answered the question with confidence. 12974
24. qìgài 气概 mettle | heroic manner | spirit | lofty quality 【HSK-6】
【气(manner) + 概(character)】
- Wǒmen bìxū yǒu zhànshèng kùnnán de qìgài.我们必须有战胜困难的气概。We must have the mettle to overcome difficulties. 13002
25. qìgōng 气功 qigong | a system of deep breathing exercises | breathing technique 【HSK-6】
【气(vital energy) + 功(exercise)】
- Tā yǐjīng kāishǐ liàn qìgōngle.她已经开始练气功了。She has already begun to practice qigong. 12976
26. qìpò 气魄 courage | boldness of vision | breadth of spirit | daring 【HSK-6】
- Tā shìgè yǒu qìpò de rén.他是个有气魄的人。He is a man of courage. 12977
27. qìsè 气色 complexion | colour | tinct 【HSK-6】
【气(manner;style) + 色(color)】
- Tā kàn qǐlái qìsè bù hǎo.她看起来气色不好。She looked a little off colour. 12978
28. qìshì 气势 momentum | imposing manner 【HSK-6】
- Zhè zhī yuèqǔ fùyǒu qìshì, lìliàng hé jīqíng.这支乐曲富有气势、力量和激情。This music has majesty, power, and passion. 12979
29. qìwèi 气味 smell | odour | flavour 【HSK-6】
【气(odor;smell) + 味(taste;smell)】
- Nǐ zuì xǐhuān shénme qìwèi?你最喜欢什么气味?What's your favorite smell? 12980
30. qìxiàng 气象 meteorological |atmosphere 【HSK-6】
【气(meteorological) + 象(phenomenon)】
- Zhǔnquè de qìxiàng jìlù shǐ yú 100 nián qián.准确的气象记录始于100年前。Accurate meteorological records began 100 years ago. 12981
31. qìyā 气压 air pressure | atmospheric pressure | barometric pressure | gas pressure 【HSK-6】
- Zhège shíyàn de guānjiàn yīnsù shì qìyā.这个实验的关键因素是气压。The key factor in this experiment is air pressure. 12982
32. qìzhì 气质 temperament | disposition 【HSK-6】
【气(character) + 质(nature)】
- Tā yǒu yìshùjiā de qìzhì.他有艺术家的气质。He has the temperament of an artist. 12983
33. shénqi 神气 expression | air | manner 【HSK-6】
- Tā zǒu jìn bàngōngshì, shénqì de hǎoxiàng zhǔrén yīyàng.他走进办公室,神气得好像主人一样。He walked into the office as if he owned the place. 12984
34. tiānránqì 天然气 natural gas | gas 【HSK-6】
【天然(natural) + 气(gas)】
- Zhè shìgè fù hán shíyóu hé tiānránqì de guójiā.这是个富含石油和天然气的国家。This is a country rich in oil and natural gas. 12985
35. xièqì 泄气 lose heart | feel discouraged | be disheartened 【HSK-6】
- Zài kùnnán miànqián tā bìng bù xièqì.在困难面前他并不泄气。He does not lose heart in the face of difficulty. 13000
36. yǎngqì 氧气 oxygen | oxygen gas 【HSK-6】
- Zhèxiē zhíwù jiāng huì chǎnchū shíwù, shuǐ hé yǎngqì.这些植物将会产出食物、水和氧气。These plants will produce the food, water and oxygen. 12987
37. zhāoqì péngbó 朝气蓬勃 vigorous | to be full of vigor and vitality 【HSK-6】
- Shāncūn lǐ chūxiànle zhāoqì péngbó de jǐngxiàng.山村里出现了朝气蓬勃的景象。The mountain village presented a vibrant scene. 12999
38. zhēngqì 争气 bring credit to | try to win credit for | work hard for sth. | 【HSK-6】
- Wǒ huì wèi fùmǔ zhēngqì.我会为父母争气。I shall bring credit to my parents. 13001
39. zhèngqì 正气 righteousness | healthy atmosphere 【HSK-6】
【正(upright) + 气(spirit)】
- Rúhé péiyǎng niánqīng rén yǒngyǒu yīshēn zhèngqì?如何培养年轻人拥有一身正气?How to train young people to keep upright? 12990
40. zhìqì 志气 aspiration | ambition | morale 【HSK-6】
- Zhèxiē xiǎo gōngchǎng zhìqì dà.这些小工厂志气大。These small factories have big aspirations. 12998