词根 Root | 词缀 Affix (Videos) >> 者 ...... 14 Example Sentences
zhě 者 person (who does sth) | -ist, -er, -or (person)
Chinese suffix character "者":
- "者" can be used after a verb to indicate the person doing the action.
- "者" can be used after an adjective to indicate a person with this characteristic.
- "者" can be used after X+"工作" to indicate someone who is engaged in this job.
- "者" Can be used after X+"主义" to indicate people who have this belief.
- Used after a numeral word such as "二","三","两", refers to the one mentioned in the context.
- Used after an ordinal number, refers to the one in that position.
者: 记者 | 作者 | 读者 | 志愿者 | 患者 | 长者 | 强者 | 死者 | 两者 | 第三者 | 教育工作者 | 新闻工作者 | 理想主义者 | 和平主义者 |
1. jìzhě 记者 reporter | journalist 【HSK-4】
【记(record, write down, verb) + 者: The role of "者" in the word "记者" is to form an agent noun, the same as the suffix -er / -ist.】
- Zuòwéi yī míng xīnwén jìzhě, tā jīngcháng lǚxíng.作为一名新闻记者,他经常旅行。As a journalist, he travels frequently. 12933
2. zuòzhě 作者 author | writer 【HSK-4】
【作(写作, write, verb) + 者 | 者:-er/-or】
- Zuòzhě xìngmíng yìn zài biāotí xiàfāng.作者姓名印在标题下方。The author's name was printed below the title. 9952
3. dúzhě 读者 reader
【读(read, verb) + 者 | 者:-er】
- Dúzhěmen yīzhí dōu hěn xǐ'ài zhè wèi zuòjiā.读者们一直都很喜爱这位作家。The readers have always loved the writer. 12934
4. zhìyuànzhě 志愿者 volunteer 【HSK-5】
【志愿(do sth. of one's own free will, verb) + 者 | 者:-er】
- Wǒ yǐjīng zuòle yī nián de zhìyuàn zhě.我已经做了一年的志愿者。I have been a volunteer for a year. 12922
5. huànzhě 患者 patient | sufferer | 【HSK-6】
【患(suffer from, verb) + 者 | 者:-er】
- Nǎxiē huànzhě xūyào zuò zhèxiē jiǎnchá?哪些患者需要做这些检查?Which patients need to do these tests? 12923
6. zhǎngzhě 长者 elder | senior
【长(aged, adj.) + 者 | 者:-er/-or】
- Wǒmen yīngdāng zūnzhòng zhǎngzhě.我们应当尊重长者。We should respect the elders. 12925
7. qiángzhě 强者 powerhouse | strong
【强(strong,powerful, adj.) + 者】
- Wǒmen shì qiángzhě, shì mìngyùn de zhǔrén!我们是强者,是命运的主人!We are strong, we are the masters of fate! 12935
8. sǐzhě 死者 the dead | the deceased | the departed | defunct
【死(pass away, verb) + 者】
- Wǒmen zhīdàole sǐzhě de shēnfèn.我们知道了死者的身份。We knew the identity of the deceased. 12924
9. liǎngzhě 两者 both sides | both things
【两(two, numeral) + 者 | N+者】
- Zhè liǎngzhě chángcháng tóngshí chūxiàn.这两者常常同时出现。These two often appear at the same time. 12930
10. dìsānzhě 第三者 the third party | the third person; mistress |
【第三(third, ordinal number) + 者 | 第N者】
- Qǐng jiāng dìsānzhě bǎoxiǎn gěi wǒ kàn yīxià.请将第三者保险给我看一下。Please show me the third party insurance. 12931
11. jiàoyù gōngzuò zhě 教育工作者 educator
【教育(education, noun) + 工作(job,work) + 者 | 者:-or】
- Liú xiàozhǎng shì yī wèi yōuxiù de jiàoyù gōngzuò zhě.刘校长是一位优秀的教育工作者。Principal Liu is an excellent educator. 12926
12. xīnwén gōngzuò zhě 新闻工作者 journalist
【新闻(news, noun) + 工作(job,work) + 者 | 者:-ist】
- Zhè yī wèntí zhǐ huì yǐngxiǎng dào xīnwén gōngzuò zhě.这一问题只会影响到新闻工作者。This issue will only affect journalists. 12927
13. lǐxiǎng zhǔyì zhě 理想主义者 idealist
【理想(ideal, noun) + 主义(doctrine,-ism) + 者 | 者:-ist】
- Zuòwéi yīgè lǐxiǎng zhǔyì zhě, wǒ xiāngxìn wèilái.作为一个理想主义者,我相信未来。As an idealist, I believe in the future. 12929
14. hépíng zhǔyì zhě 和平主义者 pacifist
【和平(peace, noun) + 主义(doctrine,-ism) + 者 | 者:-ist】
- Zuòwéi hépíng zhǔyì zhě, tā fǎnduì zhànzhēng.作为和平主义者,他反对战争。As a pacifist, he opposed war. 12932
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