Chinese Radicals (HSK 1-6) >> 人(Rén)
| 【人】俗称“人字头”。用“人”的字多与人的活动有关。
The radical "人" is commonly known as 人字头(Rén Zì Tóu). Characters with the radical 人 are usually related to the activities of human beings, and this radical is often placed in the upper part of the character. |
人 个 会 今 (4 characters) |
以 从 介 (3 characters) |
伞 (1 characters) |
众 (1 characters) |
令 企 余 (3 characters) |
仓 禽 (2 characters) |
* HSK Levels: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
HSK Level 1: 4 characters
1 人 Top |
man | person | people
中国人[1] 人[1] 别人[3] 客人[3] 人民币[4] 个人[5] 主人[5] 人事[5] 人口[5] 人员[5] 人才[5] 人民币[5] 人物[5] 人生[5] 人类[5] 工人[5] 成人[5] 敌人[5] 私人[5] 行人[5] 丢人[6] 人为[6] 人士[6] 人家[6] 人工[6] 人性[6] 人格[6] 人质[6] 人道[6] 人间[6] 夫人[6] 当事人[6] 本人[6] 法人[6] 迷人[6] 风土人情[6] |
2 个 Top |
individual | (a measure word)
个[1] 个子[3] 个人[5] 个别[5] 个性[5] 整个[5] 个体[6] |
3 会 Top |
to meet | can | be possible | be able to | to assemble | to gather | to see | union | group | association, to balance an account | accounting
会[1] 一会儿[3] 会议[3] 机会[3] 社会[4] 约会[4] 聚会[4] 误会[4] 音乐会[4] 会计[5] 体会[5] 宴会[5] 会晤[6] 协会[6] 博览会[6] 省会[6] 聚精会神[6] 领会[6] |
4 今 Top |
today | modern | present | current | this | now
今天[1] 今年[1] 如今[5] 至今[5] 迄今为止[6] |
HSK Level 2: 3 characters
1 以 Top |
to use | by | with | because | according to | so as to | in order to | Israel (abbrev.)
可以[2] 因为-所以[2] 以前[3] 以后[3] 以[4] 以上[4] 以为[4] 以及[5] 以来[5] 以便[6] 以免[6] 以往[6] 以至[6] 以致[6] 全力以赴[6] 足以[6] |
2 从 Top |
follow | obey | observe | from, second cousin,lax | yielding | unhurried
从[2] 从来[4] 从事[5] 从前[5] 从此[5] 从而[5] 自从[5] 从容[6] 服从[6] |
3 介 Top |
introduce | lie between | between
介绍[2] 中介[5] 媒介[6] |
HSK Level 3: 1 characters
1 伞 Top |
umbrella | parasol
伞[3] 打伞[4] |
HSK Level 4: 1 characters
1 众 Top |
观众[4] 众所周知[6] 群众[6] |
HSK Level 5: 3 characters
1 令 Top |
order | command | make or cause to be | decree | honorable
命令[5] 夏令营[5] 司令[6] 指令[6] |
2 企 Top |
plan a project | stand on tiptoe
企业[5] 企图[6] |
3 余 Top |
extra | surplus | remaining | after | I | me
业余[5] 其余[5] 多余[5] |
HSK Level 6: 2 characters
1 仓 Top |
barn | granary | storehouse | cabin | hold (in ship)
仓促[6] 仓库[6] |
2 禽 Top |
birds | fowl
飞禽走兽[6] |