Chinese Radicals (HSK 1-6) >> 囗(Wéi)
| 【囗】俗称“方框儿”,用“囗”的汉字多与围墙、包围有关。 The radical 囗(wéi) is commonly known as 方框儿(fāng kuàngr). Chinese characters with the radical 囗(wéi) are often related to enclosure. |
国 回 四 (3 characters) |
因 (1 characters) |
图 园 (2 characters) |
围 困 圆 (3 characters) |
团 固 圈 (3 characters) |
* HSK Levels: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
HSK Level 1: 3 characters
1 国 Top |
country | state | nation
中国[1] 中国人[1] 国家[3] 国籍[4] 国际[4] 国庆节[5] 国王[5] 祖国[5] 共和国[6] 国务院[6] 国防[6] 祖国[6] |
2 回 Top |
to return | (a measure word for matters or actions) a time | to circle | to go back | to turn around | to answer | to revolve | Islam
回[1] 回答[2] 回忆[4] 回报[6] 回收[6] 回避[6] 回顾[6] 挽回[6] |
3 四 Top |
four | 4
四[1] 丢三落四[6] 四肢[6] |
HSK Level 2: 1 characters
1 因 Top |
cause | reason | because
因为[2] 因为-所以[2] 原因[4] 因此[4] 因素[5] 因而[5] 基因[6] |
HSK Level 3: 2 characters
1 图 Top |
diagram | to plan | picture | drawing | chart
图书馆[3] 地图[3] 企图[6] 图案[6] 意图[6] 试图[6] |
2 园 Top |
公园[3] 动物园[3] 植物园[4] 幼儿园[5] 园林[6] |
HSK Level 4: 3 characters
1 围 Top |
to circle | to surround
周围[4] 范围[4] 围巾[5] 围绕[5] 范围[5] 包围[6] |
2 困 Top |
a bunch | tie together, distress | sleepy | doze off, sleepy | doze off
困[4] 困境[4] 困难[4] 贫困[6] |
3 圆 Top |
circle | round | circular | spherical | (of the moon) full | unit of Chinese currency (Yuan) | tactful | to justify
圆[4] 团圆[6] 圆满[6] 方圆[6] 椭圆[6] |
HSK Level 5: 3 characters
1 团 Top |
group | regiment | round | circular | society, dumpling
团[5] 团体[6] 团圆[6] 团结[6] 集团[6] |
2 固 Top |
hard | strong | solid | sure
固定[5] 凝固[6] 固体[6] 固执[6] 固有[6] 固然[6] 坚固[6] 巩固[6] 根深蒂固[6] 牢固[6] 顽固[6] |
3 圈 Top |
to confine | enclose, pen (pig) | a fold, circle | ring | loop
圈[5] 圈套[6] |