词根 Root | 词缀 Affix (Videos) >>一 (yī) ... 36 Example Sentences ... Tone Change Rules
yī 一 a(n) | all | always | one | once | same
一 is the simplest Chinese character, its original meaning is one, the smallest number. The basic tone of 一 is the first tone. Its tone becomes a different tone due to a particular context or meaning.
When used alone or in compound words, 一 has multiple meanings, such as a(an), one, first, all, always, once, same. There are 36 words containing 一 in HSK level 1-6.

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The rules of Tone Change for 一(yī)
- When used in numbers or ordinals, it is pronounced in the 1st tone,such as 1911年,一二三,第一; When used at the end of words, it is in the 1st tone, such as 统一, 万一.
- When followed by a 4th tone character, it is pronounced "yí", for example: 一致, 一共, 一度, 一辈子, 一目了然.
- When followed by the 1st, 2nd or 3rd tone character, it is pronounced as "yì", for example: 一般, 一边, 一直, 一如既往, 一起, 一点儿.
- When used between 2 reduplicated verbs, it is pronounced in the neutral tone "yi", for example: 看一看, 说一说, 想一想.

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例句 Examples
一: 一 | 第一 | 唯一 | 统一 | 万一 | 一下 | 一流 | 一再 | 一起 | 一共 | 一致 | 一律 | 一般 | 一样 | 一定 | 一边 | 一直 | 一贯 | 一向 | 一切 | 一些 | 一旦 | 一度 | 一块儿 | 一点儿 | 一会儿 | 一次性 | 一辈子 | 不屑一顾 | 一举两得 | 一目了然 | 一如既往 | 一丝不苟 | 一帆风顺 | 一...就 | 跟...一样 |1. yī 一 one | a/an 【HSK-1】
【一(a/an) + 个(measure word)】
- Tā shì yīgè piàoliang nǚhái.她是一个漂亮女孩。She is a pretty girl. 252
2. dìyī 第一 first 【HSK-2】
【第(prefix; used before a number) + 一(one)】
- Tā zài chángpǎo bǐsài zhōng déle dìyī.他在长跑比赛中得了第一。He won the first place in the long distance race. 12735
3. wéiyī 唯一 only | sole | unique 【HSK-5】
- Zài zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng xià, zhè shì wǒ wéiyī néng zuò de.在这种情况下,这是我唯一能做的。It was the only thing I could do under the circumstances. 13086
4. tǒngyī 统一 unify | unite | unified | centralized 【HSK-5】
【统(unite) + 一(one)】
- Tā shèfǎ tǒngyīliǎo tā de tuánduì.他设法统一了他的团队。He managed to unify his group. 13084
5. wànyī 万一 just in case | if by any chance 【HSK-5】
- Wànyī nǐ yǒu rènhé máfan, dǎ diànhuà gěi wǒ.万一你有任何麻烦,打电话给我。In case you have any trouble, call me. 13085
6. yīxià 一下 one time | once | in a short while 【HSK-2】
【Verb + 一下】
- Nǐ néng bāng wǒ tái yīxià zhuōzi ma?你能帮我抬一下桌子吗?Could you help me lift this table, please? 10141
- Nǐ néng wéi wǒmen jiěshì yīxià ma?你能为我们解释一下吗?Can you explain it to us? 12736
7. yīliú 一流 first-rate | first class 【HSK-6】
【一(first) + 流(class)】
- Zhèxiē yóuchuán shàng yǒu yīliú de cāntīng.这些游船上有一流的餐厅。There are first-rate restaurants on these cruise ships. 13091
8. yīzài 一再 repeatedly | time and again | again and again 【HSK-5】
- Tā yīzài dǎ diànhuà lái qiú tā huíqù.他一再打电话来求她回去。He called repeatedly, begging her to come back. 13088
9. yīqǐ 一起 together 【HSK-2】
- Tāmen yǐjīng zài yīqǐ gòngshì sān nián duōle.他们已经在一起共事三年多了。They have been working together for over three years. 11454
- Dàjiā yīqǐ lái chànggē ba.大家一起来唱歌吧。Let's sing together. 12196
10. yīgòng 一共 altogether | in all | in total 【HSK-3】
- Jīntiān wǒmen yīgòng yǒu 2 chǎng yǎnchū.今天我们一共有2场演出。We have 2 performances in total today. 9128
- Wǒ yīgòng fù gěi tā 200 yuán.我一共付给他200元。I paid him a total of 200 yuan. 12740
11. yīzhì 一致 identical | unanimous | showing no difference 【HSK-5】
【一(same) + 致(cause)】
- Xīn de tí'àn huòdéle yīzhì zhīchí.新的提案获得了一致支持。The new proposal received unanimous support. 13089
12. yīlǜ 一律 same | alike | uniform 【HSK-5】
- Bàngōngshì de jiājù yīlǜ dōu shì huīsè de.办公室的家具一律都是灰色的。The office furniture is a uniform grey. 13082
13. yībān 一般 usually | generally | ordinarily 【HSK-3】
- Tā yībān zài 6 diǎn zuǒyòu dàojiā.她一般在6点左右到家。She usually gets home about six o'clock. 10734
- Yībān lái shuō, dá'àn shì fǒudìng de.一般来说,答案是否定的。In general, the answer is no. 12741
14. yīyàng 一样 alike | equally | as... as | the same 【HSK-3】
【一(same) + 样(form) | Subject + 跟/和 + Object + 一样 + Verb】
- Tā de xiǎngfǎ hé wǒ yīyàng.他的想法和我一样。He thinks the same as I do. 12240
15. yīdìng 一定 surely | certainly | necessarily 【HSK-3】
- Nǐ yīdìng jìdé tā.你一定记得他。You surely remember him. 13079
16. yībiān 一边 while | as | at the same time |simultaneously 【HSK-3】
【一边 + [Verb 1] + 一边 + [Verb 2]】
- Tāmen yībiān gōngzuò yībiān xuéxí.他们一边工作一边学习。They work and learn at the same time. 5817
- Wǒmen yībiān chīfàn yībiān kàn diànshì.我们一边吃饭一边看电视。We watch TV while eating. 12739
17. yīzhí 一直 always | all the time | all along 【HSK-3】
- Sān gè yuè lái, wǒ yīzhí zài nǔlì gōngzuò.三个月来,我一直在努力工作。Over the past three months, I have been always working hard. 12181
- Nǐ rènwéi tā yīzhí zài piàn wǒmen ma?你认为他一直在骗我们吗?Do you think he's been cheating us all along? 12743
18. yīguàn 一贯 all along | consistent | from beginning to end | unswerving | persistent 【HSK-6】
- Wǒ zài zhège wèntí shàng de lìchǎng shì yīguàn de.我在这个问题上的立场是一贯的。My position on this issue is consistent. 13080
19. yīxiàng 一向 all along | always | earlier on | consistently 【HSK-6】
【一(always) + 向(all along)】
- Wǒ yīxiàng bǎ tā kàn chéng zhēnzhèng de péngyǒu.我一向把他看成真正的朋友。I have always regarded him as a true friend. 13081
20. yīqiè 一切 every | all 【HSK-4】
- Zhè yīqiè de yīqiè dōu shì wǒmen zìjǐ zàochéng de.这一切的一切都是我们自己造成的。All of these are caused by ourselves. 12764
21. yīxiē 一些 some 【HSK-1】
- Wǒ yǒu yīxiē jiànyì gěi nǐ.我有一些建议给你。I have some suggestions for you. 13083
22. yīdàn 一旦 once | in case 【HSK-5】
- Yīdàn yǒule háizi, jiù bié xiǎng měi gè zhōumò wàichūle.一旦有了孩子,就别想每个周末外出了。Once you have kids, you can say goodbye to going out every weekend. 13087
23. yīdù 一度 once | at one time | for a time 【HSK-6】
【一(one) + 度(times)】
- Zhè suǒ fángzi yīdù shǔyú wǒ de fùqīn.这所房子一度属于我的父亲。This house once belonged to my father. 13090
24. yīkuàir 一块儿 together 【HSK-1】
- Wǒmen shì yīkuàir zhǎng dà de.我们是一块儿长大的。We grew up together. 10894
25. yīdiǎnr 一点儿 a little 【HSK-1】
- Wǒ xiǎng duō liǎojiě tā yīdiǎnr.我想多了解他一点儿。I'd like to learn a little bit more about him. 12407
26. yīhuǐ'er 一会儿 for a while | a moment 【HSK-3】
- Xiànzài ràng wǒmen qīngsōng yīhuǐ'er ba.现在让我们轻松一会儿吧。Let's relax for a while now. 10412
27. yīcìxìng 一次性 disposable | one time | one-off 【HSK-4】
- Tāmen yīcìxìng zhīfù gěi wǒ yī bǐ qián.他们一次性支付给我一笔钱。They gave me a one-off payment. 13092
28. yībèizi 一辈子 lifelong | all one's life | a lifetime 【HSK-5】
【一(all) + 辈(lifetime) + 子(suffix)】
- Tā yībèizi dōu shì gōngdǎng dǎngyuán.她一辈子都是工党党员。She was a lifelong member of the Labour party. 13093
29. bùxièyīgù 不屑一顾 disdain | have contempt for | not worth a single glance 【HSK-6】
【不屑(disdain) + 一(one) + 顾(look)】
- Tā duì wǒ de guāndiǎn bùxièyīgù.她对我的观点不屑一顾。She had complete contempt for my opinion. 13094
30. yījǔliǎngdé 一举两得 kill two birds with one stone | achieve two things at one stroke 【HSK-6】
- Nǐ jiéshěngle shíjiān hé cáiliào, zhè shì yījǔliǎngdé.你节省了时间和材料,这是一举两得。You saved both time and materials, which kill two birds with one stone. 13095
31. yīmùliǎorán 一目了然 clear at a glance | understand fully at a glance 【HSK-6】
- Zhè fèn shuōmíngshū ràng rén yīmùliǎorán.这份说明书让人一目了然。This manual is clear at a glance. 13096
32. yīrújìwǎng 一如既往 as ever | as always | as before | carry on as usual 【HSK-6】
- Tā de gōngzuò yīrújìwǎng de wánměi wúquē.她的工作一如既往地完美无缺。Her work is as perfect as ever. 13097
33. yīsībùgǒu 一丝不苟 meticulous | neglect no detail | be conscientious and meticulous | be scrupulous about every detail 【HSK-6】
- Tā yīsībùgǒu de wánchéngle rènwù.他一丝不苟地完成了任务。He completed the task meticulously. 13098
34. yīfānfēngshùn 一帆风顺 smooth sailing | go off smoothly 【HSK-6】
【一(one) + 帆(sail) + 风(wind) + 顺(smooth)】
- Xīn shìwù de fǎzhǎn bù huì shì yīfānfēngshùn de.新事物的发展不会是一帆风顺的。The development of new things will not be smooth sailing. 13099
35. yī... jiù 一...就 as soon as | right away | immediately | right now 【HSK-2】
【一(once) + 就(right away) | 一 + Verb 1 + 就 + Verb 2】
- Tā yī kàndào wǒ jiù xiàng wǒ zhāoshǒu.他一看到我就向我招手。He waved at me as soon as he saw me. 12737
- Tā yī dào jiù gěi wǒ dǎle diànhuà.他一到就给我打了电话。He called me as soon as he arrived. 12738
36. gēn... yīyàng 跟...一样 the same as 【HSK-3】
【一(same) + 样(form) | Subject + 跟/和 + Object + 一样 + Verb】
- Tā gēn nǐ yīyàng nǔlì gōngzuò.他跟你一样努力工作。He works hard as much as you do. 12243