词根 Root | 词缀 Affix (Videos) >>理
lǐ 理 reason | logic | truth | science | theory | principle | texture | manage | put in order | take notice of
理 is a phono-semantic compound character. The left side of 理 is the meaning component which means jade, and the right side is the phonetic component representing its pronunciation lǐ.
The original meaning of 理 is to carve and polish jade. It was extended to multiple meanings, such as: manage, put in order, take notice of, reason, logic, truth, science, theory, principle, texture, etc.
理: 经理 | 助理 | 代理 | 总理 | 管理 | 办理 | 处理 | 推理 | 审理 | 治理 | 修理 | 整理 | 清理 | 情理 | 心理 | 生理 | 地理 | 物理 | 原理 | 真理 | 道理 | 合理 | 条理 | 理想 | 理智 | 理论 | 理由 | 理解 | 理睬 | 理发 | 理所当然 | 岂有此理 | 无理取闹 | 理直气壮 |
1. jīnglǐ 经理 manager 【HSK-3】
【经(经营operate) + 理(管理manage)】
- Wǒmen jīnglǐ xiǎng hé nǐ jiànjiànmiàn.我们经理想和你见见面。Our manager would like to meet you. 12682
2. zhùlǐ 助理 assistant 【HSK-6】
【助(assist) + 理(manage)】
- Wǒ de zhùlǐ jiàng zài wǒ bùzài de shíhòu fùzé zhège bùmén.我的助理将在我不在的时候负责这个部门。My assistant will be in charge of the department in my absence. 13316
3. dàilǐ 代理 agent | agency | act as agent 【HSK-6】
【代(act on behalf of) + 理(manage)】
- Wǒmen méiyǒu rènhé zài hǎiwài de dàilǐ.我们没有任何在海外的代理。We do not have any oversea agents. 13302
4. zǒnglǐ 总理 prime minister | premier 【HSK-5】
【总(general) + 理(manage)】
- Liǎng wèi zǒnglǐ jiù gòngtóng guānxīn de wèntí jiāohuànle yìjiàn.两位总理就共同关心的问题交换了意见。The two prime ministers exchanged views on questions of common concern. 13301
5. guǎnlǐ 管理 be in charge of | manage 【HSK-4】
【管(be in charge of) + 理(manage)】
- Xiànzài shì shéi guǎnlǐ zhè jiā gōngsī?现在是谁管理这家公司?Who is managing this company now? 9475
6. bànlǐ 办理 deal with | attend to | conduct | handle | transact 【HSK-5】
【办(handle, do) + 理(deal with)】
- Tā zhèngzài qīnzì bànlǐ zhè jiàn shì.他正在亲自办理这件事。He is attending to the matter himself. 13293
7. chǔlǐ 处理 handle | deal with | dispose of | manage 【HSK-5】
【处(manage, handle) + 理(deal with)】
- Zhè bùshì yīgè hěn hǎo de fāngfǎ lái chǔlǐ wèntí.这不是一个很好的方法来处理问题。That is not a good way to handle the problem. 13294
8. tuīlǐ 推理 reasoning | inference | ratiocination 【HSK-6】
【推(deduce) + 理(reason, logic)】
- Jiǎnghuà, sīwéi, guānniàn, tuīlǐ yǐjí xiězuò dōu yīnggāi yǒu tiáolǐ.讲话、思维、观念、推理以及写作都应该有条理。Speech, thought, ideas, reasoning and writing should all be coherent. 13311
9. shěnlǐ 审理 try a case | hear a case 【HSK-6】
【审(investigate, exam) + 理(deal with)】
- Zhège ànjiàn cóngwèi kāitíng shěnlǐ.这个案件从未开庭审理。This case has never been heard in court. 13309
10. zhìlǐ 治理 govern 【HSK-6】
【治(control, govern) + 理(manage)】
- Cáishuì tǐzhì shì guójiā zhìlǐ de zhòngyào bǎozhàng.财税体制是国家治理的重要保障。The fiscal and taxation system is an important guarantee of State governance. 13315
11. xiūlǐ 修理 mend | repair 【HSK-4】
【修(repair) + 理(put in order)】
- Guǎndào gōng lái xiūlǐ shuǐguǎn.管道工来修理水管。The plumber came to mend the pipe. 10443
12. zhěnglǐ 整理 put in order | arrange 【HSK-4】
【整(reorganize) + 理(put in order)】
- Wǒ zhèng nǔlì bǎ wǒ de zhuōzi zhěnglǐ hǎo.我正努力把我的桌子整理好。I am trying to put my desk in order. 11078
13. qīnglǐ 清理 clean | put in order | sort out 【HSK-6】
【清(clean) + 理(put in order)】
- Nǐ měitiān qīnglǐ zìjǐ de fángjiān ma?你每天清理自己的房间吗?Do you clean your room every day? 13307
14. qínglǐ 情理 reason | sense 【HSK-6】
【情(feeling) + 理(reason, logic)】
- Zhè shì héhū qínglǐ de.这是合乎情理的。It stands to reason. 13308
15. xīnlǐ 心理 psychology | mentality | mind | psychic 【HSK-5】
【心(psycho-, mind) + 理(-logy, theory)】
- Wǒ yǐjīng zuò hǎole xīnlǐ zhǔnbèi.我已经做好了心理准备。I am mentally prepared. 12916
- Zhè duì háizimen de xīnlǐ jiànkāng yǒu hěn dà yǐngxiǎng.这对孩子们的心理健康有很大影响。This has a great impact on the mental health of children. 13159
16. shēnglǐ 生理 physiology 【HSK-6】
【生(physio-, life) + 理(-logy, theory)】
- Yālì huì duì nǐ chǎnshēng shēnglǐ hé xīnlǐ yǐngxiǎng.压力会对你产生生理和心理影响。Stress can have physiological and psychological effects on you. 13194
17. dìlǐ 地理 geography 【HSK-5】
【地(geo-, earth) + 理(natural science)】
- Nǐ dì dìlǐ kè shì shénme shíhòu?你的地理课是什么时候?When is your geography class? 13296
18. wùlǐ 物理 physics 【HSK-5】
【物(physi-, nature) + 理(natural science)】
- Wǒ xǐhuān lìshǐ hé wùlǐ.我喜欢历史和物理。I like History and Physics. 13300
19. yuánlǐ 原理 principle | theory 【HSK-6】
【原(original) + 理(theory, principle)】
- Zhèxiē jīqì ànzhào xiāngtóng de yuánlǐ yùnzhuǎn.这些机器按照相同的原理运转。These machines work on the same principle. 13313
20. zhēnlǐ 真理 truth 【HSK-6】
【真(real) + 理(truth)】
- Zhēnlǐ miànqián, rén rén píngděng.真理面前,人人平等。Everyone is equal before the truth. 13314
21. dàolǐ 道理 sense | principle | truth | reason 【HSK-5】
【道(principle, doctrine) + 理(reason, truth)】
- Zhèyàng zuò méiyǒu dàolǐ, rénrén dōu zhīdào zhè yīdiǎn.这样做没有道理,人人都知道这一点。It makes no sense, and everyone knows it. 13295
22. hélǐ 合理 rational | reasonable 【HSK-5】
【合(suit) + 理(reason, logic)】
- Tā shuō dehuà hěn hélǐ.他说的话很合理。What he says is very reasonable. 13297
23. tiáolǐ 条理 orderliness | method 【HSK-6】
【条(strip) + 理(texture, logic)】
- Tā de gōngzuò fāngshì méiyǒu shénme tiáolǐ.他的工作方式没有什么条理。There's not much method in the way he works. 13310
- Wǒ rúhé zài gōngzuò zhōng gèng yǒu tiáolǐ?我如何在工作中更有条理?How can I be more methodical at work? 13362
24. lǐxiǎng 理想 ideal | perfection 【HSK-4】
【理(logic, truth) + 想(thought)】
- Tāmen yǒu xiāngtóng de lǐxiǎng hé jiàzhíguān.他们有相同的理想和价值观。They share the same ideals and values. 9906
25. lǐzhì 理智 intellect | reason 【HSK-6】
【理(logic) + 智(wisdom)】
- Wǒmen xǐhuān bǎ zìjǐ dàng zuò lǐzhì de shēngwù.我们喜欢把自己当作理智的生物。We like to think of ourselves as rational creatures. 13305
26. lǐlùn 理论 theory 【HSK-5】
【理(theory) + 论(theory)】
- Nǐ de lǐlùn jīchǔ shì shénme?你的理论基础是什么?What are you basing this theory on? 13298
27. lǐyóu 理由 account | regard | justification | reason 【HSK-5】
【理(reason, logic) + 由(reason, cause)】
- Wǒmen yǒu chōngfèn de lǐyóu zhèyàng zuò.我们有充分的理由这样做。We have every reason to do so. 13299
28. lǐjiě 理解 understand | comprehend 【HSK-4】
【理(pay attention to) + 解(understand, see)
理解 is often used in written language, meaning "to know why or how".】
理解 is often used in written language, meaning "to know why or how".】
- Wǒ wúfǎ lǐjiě tāmen de tàidù.我无法理解他们的态度。I fail to comprehend their attitude. 13331
- Wǒ měitiān dū zuò yuèdú lǐjiě de liànxí.我每天都做阅读理解的练习。I practice reading comprehension every day. 13333
- Wǒmen yǒu yīzhì de mùbiāo bìng xiānghù lǐjiě duìfāng.我们有一致的目标并相互理解对方。We have a consistent goal and understand each other. 13334
- Wǒ bù lǐjiě wǒmen wèishénme yào zuò zhè jiàn shì.我不理解我们为什么要做这件事。I don't understand why we do it. 13335
29. lǐcǎi 理睬 pay attention to | show interest in | take notice of 【HSK-6】
【理(take notice of) + 睬(pay attention to)】
- Tā hěn jiāo'ào, bù lǐcǎi biérén.他很骄傲,不理睬别人。He is too proud to take notice of others. 13303
30. lǐfà 理发 get a haircut 【HSK-4】
【理(put in order) + 发(hair)】
- Wǒ měi gè yuè dōu lǐfà.我每个月都理发。I have a haircut every month. 7725
- Yòng zhè zhāng kǎ, tā kěyǐ miǎnfèi lǐ yīcì fā.用这张卡,他可以免费理一次发。With this card, he can get a free haircut. 12644
31. lǐsuǒdāngrán 理所当然 take it for granted | as a matter of course 【HSK-6】
【理(reason) +所(structural auxiliary) + 当然(of course)】
- Tā bǎ wǒ wèi tā suǒ zuò de yīqiè shì wéi lǐsuǒdāngrán.他把我为他所做的一切视为理所当然。He takes for granted all that I do for him. 13304
32. qǐyǒucǐlǐ 岂有此理 how unreasonable 【HSK-6】
【岂(how) + 有(have) + 此(this) + 理(reason)】
- Qǐyǒucǐlǐ! Tā bù shuō yīshēng jiù túrán líkāile.岂有此理!他不说一声就突然离开了。How unreasonable! He suddenly left without saying a word. 13306
33. wúlǐqǔnào 无理取闹 unreasonably troublesome | make trouble out of nothing 【HSK-6】
【无(not have) + 理(reason) + 取(take, get) + 闹(noise, trouble)】
- Tā wú shì kě zuò, zhǐ huì wúlǐqǔnào.她无事可做,只会无理取闹。She has nothing to do but to make trouble out of nothing. 13312
34. lǐzhíqìzhuàng 理直气壮 be in the right and self-confident | straightforward 【HSK-6】
【理(reason, logic)+直(fair, upright)+气(attitude)+壮(strong)】
- Tā lǐzhíqìzhuàng de huídále nàgè wèntí.他理直气壮地回答了那个问题。He answered the question with confidence. 12974
