词根 Root | 词缀 Affix (Videos) >>意 【29 words containing 意 HSK1-6】
yì 意 idea | wish | desire | meaning | intention | expect; (abbr.) Italy
This character has 2 components - 音 & 心. 音 means sound; 心 means heart. so the original meaning of 意 is "the sound of heart, idea". It has many other meanings, including: wish, desire, meaning, intention, expect. It also is the abbreviation of Italy. There are 29 words containing 意 in HSK level 1-6.
意: 意见 | 意思 | 意义 | 意志 | 意图 | 意向 | 意外 | 意料 | 意识 | 意味着 | 满意 | 愿意 | 得意 | 示意 | 在意 | 同意 | 注意 | 主意 | 生意 | 故意 | 特意 | 乐意 | 任意 | 随意 | 玩意儿 | 大意 | 粗心大意 | 不好意思 | 称心如意 |
1. yìjiàn 意见 opinion | view | suggestion | idea 【HSK-4】
- Wǒmen yǒuhǎo de jiāohuànle yìjiàn.我们友好地交换了意见。We exchanged opinions friendly. 12626
2. yìsi 意思 meaning | content | indication | hint 【HSK-2】
- Wǒ bù lǐjiě zhè jù huà de yìsi.我不理解这句话的意思。I don't understand the meaning of this sentence. 13463
3. yìyì 意义 significance | purport | meaning | sense | importance 【HSK-5】
- Xīnyào duì bìngrén jùyǒu zhòngyào yìyì.新药对病人具有重要意义。The new drug is of great significance to patients. 13468
4. yìzhì 意志 will 【HSK-6】
- Tā shìgè jùyǒu fēifán yìzhì de rén.他是个具有非凡意志的人。He is a man of extraordinary will. 13455
5. yìtú 意图 intention | purpose | intent 【HSK-6】
- Wǒ xiǎng zhīdào tā de zhēnshí yìtú shì shénme.我想知道他的真实意图是什么。I want to know what his true intentions are. 13467
6. yìxiàng 意向 intention | purpose 【HSK-6】
- Bùguǎn nǐ yìxiàng rúhé, wǒ juédìng fàngqì.不管你意向如何,我决定放弃。Regardless of your intentions, I decided to give up. 13469
7. yìwài 意外 accident | unexpected | unforeseen | mishap 【HSK-5】
- Nèitiān fāshēng de shì bìng bùshì yīcì yìwài.那天发生的事并不是一次意外。What happened that day was not an accident. 13440
8. yìliào 意料 expect | anticipate 【HSK-6】
- Bùguò zhè yěshì zài yìliào zhīzhōng.不过这也是在意料之中。This is to be expected, though. 13450
9. yìshi 意识 realize | be conscious of | be aware of | awake to 【HSK-6】
- Tā zhōngyú yìshi dào zìjǐ de zérèn.他终于意识到自己的责任。He finally realized his responsibility. 13451
10. yìwèizhe 意味着 signify | mean | imply | purport 【HSK-6】
- Jiànkāng yìwèizhe cáifù.健康意味着财富。Health means wealth. 13453
11. mǎnyì 满意 be satisfied 【HSK-3】
- Tā duì tánpàn jiéguǒ gǎndào mǎnyì.他对谈判结果感到满意。He is satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations. 13460
12. yuànyì 愿意 be willing | wish | like | want 【HSK-3】
- Měigè rén dōu yuànyì cānjiā zhège huódòng.每个人都愿意参加这个活动。Everyone is willing to participate in this event. 13462
13. déyì 得意 proud of oneself | pleased with oneself 【HSK-4】
- “Wǒ zuò dàole!” Tā déyì de shuō.“我做到了!” 他得意地说。"I did it!" he said proudly. 13470
14. shìyì 示意 signal | hint | give a sign 【HSK-6】
- Dǎoyóu shìyì qítā rén gēnzhe tā.导游示意其他人跟着她。The tour guide signaled others to follow her. 13446
15. zàiyì 在意 mind | take notice of | care about | take to heart 【HSK-6】
- Tā shuō de nàxiē huà, nǐ bié zàiyì.他说的那些话,你别在意。Never mind what he said. 13457
16. tóngyì 同意 agree | approve | assent to | consent to |accede to 【HSK-3】
- Tóngyì zhège jìhuà de, qǐng jǔ shǒu.同意这个计划的,请举手。Those who agree to this plan, please raise your hand. 13461
17. zhùyì 注意 pay attention to | care | keep an eye on | take notice of 【HSK-3】
- Zhè duàn lù hěn nán zǒu, nǐ zhù diǎnr yì.这段路很难走,你注点儿意。This trail is difficult to follow, so be careful. 12671
- Qǐng zhùyì, wǒ yǒu gè xiāoxī yào gàosù dàjiā.请注意,我有个消息要告诉大家。Attention, please! I have a news to tell you. 12672
18. zhǔyi 主意 idea | opinion | plan 【HSK-4】
- Yǒuxiē niánqīngrén kěnéng bù xǐhuān zhège zhǔyi.有些年轻人可能不喜欢这个主意。Some young people might not like the idea. 11957
19. shēngyi 生意 business | trade 【HSK-4】
- Zuìjìn wǒmen de shēngyi hěn huǒ.最近我们的生意很火。Our business has become very prosperous lately. 10641
20. gùyì 故意 deliberately | intentionally | designedly 【HSK-4】
- Wǒ gùyì rēng diàole tā.我故意扔掉了它。I deliberately threw it away. 10869
21. tèyì 特意 specially | for a special purpose 【HSK-6】
- Tā tèyì lái wèn wǒ shìfǒu xūyào bāngmáng.她特意来问我是否需要帮忙。She specially asked me if I needed help. 13448
- Nǐ bùbì tèyì dào nà'er qù.你不必特意到那儿去。You don't have to go there specially. 13464
22. lèyì 乐意 be willing | be ready to 【HSK-6】
- Zuò hǎoshì shì yīnwèi nǐ lèyì zuò hǎoshì.做好事是因为你乐意做好事。Do good because you love doing good. 13444
23. rènyì 任意 arbitrarily | wantonly | at will 【HSK-6】
- Tā zhǐshì rènyì xuǎnle yīgè hàomǎ.他只是任意选了一个号码。He just arbitrarily pick a number. 13445
24. suíyì 随意 at will | as one pleases | free rein | ad libitum 【HSK-6】
- Xuéshēng kěyǐ suíyì xuǎnzé kèchéng ma?学生可以随意选择课程吗?Can students choose a course at will? 13447
25. wányì'er 玩意儿 stuff | toy | thing 【HSK-6】
- Zhè wányì'er yǒu tā de wēixiǎn, yěyǒu tā de hǎochù.这玩意儿有它的危险,也有它的好处。This stuff has its dangers and its benefits. 13449
26. dàyì 大意 general meaning | main points | careless | negligent 【HSK-6】
- Wǒ bǎ tā jiǎnghuà de dàyì jì xiàláile.我把他讲话的大意记下来了。I wrote down the general meaning of his speech. 13466
27. cūxīn dàyì 粗心大意 careless | be negligent | of a rough heart and big mind 【HSK-6】
- Wǒ de lǎobǎn zhǐzé wǒ tài cūxīn dàyì.我的老板指责我太粗心大意。My boss accused me of being too careless. 13443
28. bùhǎoyìsi 不好意思 feel shy or sorry | be ill-at-ease 【HSK-4】
- Zhēn bùhǎoyìsi, gěi nǐ dàilái zhème duō máfan.真不好意思,给你带来这么多麻烦。I am so sorry for causing you so much trouble. 9195
29. chènxīnrúyì 称心如意 desirable | after one's own heart 【HSK-6】
- Zhè shì yī fèn ràng tā chènxīn rúyì de gōngzuò.这是一份让他称心如意的工作。It was a job after his own heart. 13165