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Chinese Syllable - 'ban' (13 Characters + Words)

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ban   (13 Characters)

  1. 【bàn】  to do | to manage | to handle
    1. 办法【bànfǎ】 method | way | means [level: 3] n.
    2. 办公室【bàngōngshì】 office [level: 3] n.
    3. 举办【jǔbàn】 hold (exhibition, contest, etc.) [level: 4] v.
    4. 办理【bànlǐ】 deal with | attend to | conduct [level: 5]
    5. 主办【zhǔbàn】 direct | sponsor | hold [level: 6]
    6. 承办【chéngbàn】 undertake [level: 6]
  2. 【bàn】  half | semi- | incomplete
    1. 【bàn】 half [level: 3] num.
    2. 半价【bànjià】 half-price [level: 4] n.
    3. 南半球【nán bànqiú】 southern hemisphere [level: 4] n.
    4. 半途而废【bàntú’érfèi】 give up halfway | do a thing by halves | leave sth. unfinished [level: 6]
  3. 【bān】  sort | kind | class
    1. 一般【yībān】 usually | generally | ordinarily [level: 3] adv.
  4. 【bǎn】  a register | a block of printing | an edition
    1. 出版【chūbǎn】 publish | come off the press [level: 5]
    2. 版本【bǎnběn】 versions | edition [level: 6]
  5. 【bān】  team | class | rank
    1. 上班【shàngbān】 go to work | start work [level: 2] sv.
    2. 【bān】 class [level: 3] n.
    3. 下班【Xiàbān】 off work | come off work | go off work [level: 3] v.
    4. 航班【hángbān】 flight | scheduled flight [level: 4] n.
    5. 加班【jiābān】 work overtime [level: 4] sv.
    6. 值班【zhíbān】 be on duty [level: 6]
  6. 【bǎn】  board | plank | plate
    1. 黑板【hēibǎn】 blackboard [level: 3] n.
    2. 老板【lǎobǎn】 boss | proprietor | shopkeeper [level: 5]
  7. 【bàn】  a partner | companion or associate | to accompany
    1. 伙伴【huǒbàn】 partner | companion [level: 5]
    2. 伴侣【bànlǚ】 companion | mate | partner [level: 6]
    3. 伴随【bànsuí】 accompany | follow [level: 6]
  8. 【bān】  remove | transport | move
    1. 【bān】 carry | move [level: 3] v.
  9. 【bàn】  to disguise oneself | to dress up | adorn
    1. 打扮【dǎban】 dress up | make up [level: 4] v.
    2. 扮演【bànyǎn】 play the part of | have a role (in a play, etc.) | act [level: 6]
  10. 【bān】  variegated
    1. 【bān】 spot | speck | speckle [level: 6]
  11. 【bān】  promulgate | send out | issue
    1. 颁发【bānfā】 issue | promulgate | award [level: 6]
    2. 颁布【bānbù】 promulgate | issue | publish [level: 6]
  12. 【bàn】  petal | section
    1. 花瓣【huābàn】 petal | petalage [level: 6]
  13. 【bàn】  to mix | mix in | to toss (a salad)
    1. 搅拌【jiǎobàn】 stir | whip | agitate [level: 6]