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Chinese Syllable - 'bao' (14 Characters + Words)

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bao   (14 Characters)

  1. 【bào】  to announce | to inform | report
    1. 报纸【bàozhǐ】 newspaper [level: 2] n.
    2. 报名【bàomíng】 sign up | participate in an activity or organization | give your name age etc. in order to enroll [level: 4] sv.
    3. 报到【bàodào】 report for duty | check in | register [level: 5]
    4. 报道【bàodào】 report(news) | cover [level: 5]
    5. 报告【bàogào】 report | make known | inform [level: 5]
    6. 报社【bàoshè】 newspaper office | general office of a newspaper [level: 5]
    7. 预报【yùbào】 forecast | forecasting | prediction [level: 5]
    8. 情报【qíngbào】 intelligence | information [level: 6]
    9. 报仇【bàochóu】 revenge | avenge [level: 6]
    10. 报酬【bàochou】 reward | remuneration | pay [level: 6]
    11. 报答【bàodá】 repay | requite | pay back [level: 6]
    12. 报复【bàofù】 retaliate | make reprisals | revenge [level: 6]
    13. 报警【bàojǐng】 report (an incident) to the police | give an alarm [level: 6]
    14. 报销【bàoxiāo】 submit an expense account | apply for reimbursement | give a statement on one's expenses (for a trip on business) [level: 6]
    15. 回报【huíbào】 repay | requite | reciprocate [level: 6]
    16. 汇报【huìbào】 report | give an account of [level: 6]
    17. 申报【shēnbào】 declare sth. (to the Customs) [level: 6]
  2. 【bǎo】  to defend | to protect | to insure or guarantee
    1. 保护【bǎohù】 protect [level: 4] v.
    2. 保证【bǎozhèng】 guarantee | ensure | promise [level: 4] v.
    3. 保证【bǎozhèng】 guarantee [level: 4] n.
    4. 保暖【bǎonuǎn】 Keep warm [level: 4]
    5. 保险【bǎoxiǎn】 insure | guarantee | insurance [level: 5]
    6. 保持【bǎochí】 keep | hold | retain [level: 5]
    7. 保存【bǎocún】 preserve | keep | conserve [level: 5]
    8. 保留【bǎoliú】 continue to have | persist | retain [level: 5]
    9. 保养【bǎoyǎng】 maintain | maintenance | take good care of one's health [level: 6]
    10. 保管【bǎoguǎn】 take care of | put sth. under one's custody | safeguard [level: 6]
    11. 保密【bǎomì】 maintain secrecy | keep sth. secret [level: 6]
    12. 保姆【bǎomǔ】 (children's) nurse | housekeeper | house maid [level: 6]
    13. 保守【bǎoshǒu】 conservative [level: 6]
    14. 保卫【bǎowèi】 defend | guard | safeguard [level: 6]
    15. 保障【bǎozhàng】 ensure | guarantee | safeguard [level: 6]
    16. 保重【bǎozhòng】 take care of oneself [level: 6]
    17. 担保【dānbǎo】 warrant | guarantee | go bail for [level: 6]
    18. 确保【quèbǎo】 ensure | guarantee [level: 6]
  3. 【bāo】  to cover | to wrap | to hold
    1. 【bāo】 bag [level: 3] n.
    2. 面包【miànbāo】 bread [level: 3] n.
    3. 包子【bāozi】 steamed stuffed bun [level: 4] n.
    4. 包裹【bāoguǒ】 parcel | package | bundle [level: 5]
    5. 包含【bāohán】 contain | embody | include [level: 5]
    6. 包括【bāokuò】 include | consist of | comprise [level: 5]
    7. 打包【dǎbāo】 pack | bale | unpack(打开包着的东西) [level: 6]
    8. 包庇【bāobì】 cover up | shield | harbor [level: 6]
    9. 包袱【bāofu】 burden | load | weight [level: 6]
    10. 包围【bāowéi】 surround | beset | besiege [level: 6]
    11. 包装【bāozhuāng】 pack | wrap up | packing [level: 6]
    12. 承包【chéngbāo】 contract [level: 6]
  4. 【bǎo】  a jewel or gem | a treasure | precious
    1. 宝贝【bǎobèi】 treasure | baby | darling [level: 5] n.
    2. 宝贵【bǎoguì】 valuable | precious [level: 5]
  5. 【bào】  sudden | violent | cruel
    1. 暴力【bàolì】 violence | force [level: 6]
    2. 暴露【bàolù】 expose | reveal | bare [level: 6]
    3. 风暴【fēngbào】 storm | windstorm | tempest [level: 6]
  6. 【bào】  to hold | to carry (in one's arms) | to hug or embrace
    1. 【bào】 embrace | hold sb. or sth. with one's arm(s) [level: 4] v.
    2. 抱歉【bàoqiàn】 be sorry | feel apologetic | regret [level: 4] v.
    3. 抱怨【bàoyuàn】 complain [level: 5]
    4. 拥抱【yōngbào】 embrace | hug [level: 5]
    5. 抱负【bàofù】 aspiration | ambition | lofty aim [level: 6]
  7. 【bào】  to crack | to explode or burst
    1. 爆发【bàofā】 break out | erupt | explode [level: 6]
    2. 爆炸【bàozhà】 explode | blast | blow up [level: 6]
    3. 烟花爆竹【yānhuābàozhú】 fireworks and crackers [level: 6]
  8. 【bāo】  the placenta | womb
    1. 双胞胎【shuāngbāotāi】 twins [level: 6]
    2. 同胞【tóngbāo】 fellow citizen | fellow countryman [level: 6]
    3. 细胞【xìbāo】 cell [level: 6]
  9. 【bó/bò/báo】  thin | mean | slight, thin
    1. 【báo/bò/bó】 thin | flimsy | slight [level: 5]
    2. 薄弱【bóruò】 weak | frail | vulnerable [level: 6]
  10. 【bǎo/pù】  an earthwork | castle | position of defense
    1. 城堡【chéngbǎo】 castle | town | tower [level: 6]
  11. 【bō/bāo】  peel | to skin
    1. 剥削【bōxuē】 exploit [level: 6]
  12. 【bǎo】  to eat till full | satisfied
    1. 【bǎo】 full | not hungry [level: 3] adj.
    2. 饱和【bǎohé】 saturation [level: 6]
    3. 饱经沧桑【bǎojīngcāngsāng】 have experienced many vicissitudes of life [level: 6]
  13. 【bào/pù】  shower (rain), waterfall
    1. 瀑布【pùbù】 falls | waterfall [level: 6]
  14. 【báo】  hail
    1. 冰雹【bīngbáo】 hail | ice storm [level: 6]