词根 Root | 词缀 Affix (Videos) >>时
shí 时 time | when | hour | o'clock | season | period | sometimes | opportunity | fashion | current
The original meaning of 时 is "season". It also has other meanings like time, hour, period, opportunity, fashion, etc.
时 can be used as a word root to form other compound words. In HSK 1-6 vocabulary, 25 words contain the character 时.
1.时间 can refer to a specific point in time or a period of time.
2.时候 means a specific time period. It can also refer to moment or a point in time.
3.时刻 is used to emphasize a specific point in time.
4.时光 focuses on experiences and feelings during a period of time.
时: 时间 | 时候 | 时刻 | 时光 | 时机 | 时事 | 时差 | 时代 | 时期 | 时尚 | 时髦 | 时常 | 时而 | 不时 | 小时 | 平时 | 按时 | 准时 | 及时 | 当时 | 同时 | 随时 | 暂时 | 临时 | 顿时 |
1. shíjiān 时间 time 【HSK-2】
【时(time) + 间(interval; between)】
- Wǒ huāle yīxiē shíjiān lái liǎojiě qíngkuàng.我花了一些时间来了解情况。It took me some time to understand the situation. 13682
- Qǐng gàosù wǒ kāihuì de shíjiān hé dìdiǎn.请告诉我开会的时间和地点。Please tell me the time and place of the meeting. 13683
2. shíhòu 时候 moment | (the duration of) time | (a point in) time 【HSK-1】
【时(time) + 候(season)】
- Zài wǒ xiǎoshíhòu, fùmǔ duì wǒ fēicháng yángé.在我小时候,父母对我非常严格。My parents were very strict with me when I was young. 8612
- Xiànzài shì dǎpò chénmò de shíhoule.现在是打破沉默的时候了。It's time to break the silence. 13673
- Jiù zài zhège shíhòu, mén kāile.就在这个时候,门开了。At this very moment, the door opened. 13675
3. shíkè 时刻 moment | time | hour 【HSK-5】
【时(hour) + 刻(moment, a quarter of an hour)】
- Xiànzài shì guānjiàn shíkè, wǒmen bìxū mǎshàng xíngdòng.现在是关键时刻,我们必须马上行动。Now is the crucial moment, and we must act at once. 13661
- Zài gāofēng shíkè, dìtiě hěn yǒngjǐ.在高峰时刻,地铁很拥挤。Subway is crowded at rush hour. 13676
- Xiànzài shì kǎoyàn wǒmen yǒuqíng de shíkè.现在是考验我们友情的时刻。Now is the time to test our friendship. 13677
4. shíguāng 时光 time, life 【HSK-6】
【时(time) + 光(light, time)】
- Shíguāng bùnéng dàoliú.时光不能倒流。Time cannot go backwards. 7831
- Wǒmen kěyǐ yīqǐ xiǎngshòu kuàilè de shíguāng.我们可以一起享受快乐的时光。We can enjoy happy time together. 13670
- Wǒ zài nà'er dùguòle měihǎo shíguāng.我在那儿度过了美好时光。I had a great time there. 13679
5. shíjī 时机 opportunity | an opportune moment 【HSK-6】
【时(opportunity) + 机(chance)】
- Shíjī shàngwèi chéngshú.时机尚未成熟。The time is not yet ripe. 13672
6. shíshì 时事 current events | current affairs 【HSK-6】
【时(current) + 事(affair)】
- Wǒ cóng xīnwén zhōng liǎojiě shíshì.我从新闻中了解时事。I learn about current affairs from the news. 13671
7. shíchā 时差 jet lag | time difference 【HSK-5】
【时(hour, time) + 差(difference)】
- Běijīng hé wēngēhuá de shíchā shì duōshǎo?北京和温哥华的时差是多少?What is the time difference between Beijing and Vancouver? 13658
- Wǒ měi cì cóng rìběn qù měiguó, dōu yǒu shíchā fǎnyìng.我每次从日本去美国,都有时差反应。Every time I go to the US from Japan, I get jet lag. 13659
8. shídài 时代 times | age | era | epoch 【HSK-5】
【时(time) + 代(generation)】
- Tā de xiǎoshuō shì dāngjīn shídài de zhēnshí xiězhào.他的小说是当今时代的真实写照。His novel is a true portrayal of the times. 13660
9. shíqī 时期 period 【HSK-5】
【时(time) + 期(a period of time)】
- Jiǔshí niándài shì yīgè kuàisù biànhuà de shíqí.九十年代是一个快速变化的时期。The 1990s were a period of rapid change. 13663
10. shíshàng 时尚 fashion | vogue | trend | fad 【HSK-5】
【时(fashion) + 尚(esteem, value)】
- Shíshàng yǐngxiǎngzhe wǒmen de shēnghuó.时尚影响着我们的生活。Fashion influences our lives. 13664
11. shímáo 时髦 fashionable | stylish | in vogue 【HSK-5】
【时(fashionable) + 髦(fine long hair)】
- Zhè zhǒng fǎxíng xiànzài hěn shímáo.这种发型现在很时髦。This hairstyle is very fashionable now. 13662
12. shícháng 时常 often | frequently | (every) now and again 【HSK-6】
【时(now and then) + 常(often)】
- Wǒ shícháng tīng rén shuō qǐ zhè lèi shìqíng.我时常听人说起这类事情。I often hear people talk about such things. 13668
13. shí'ér 时而 from time to time | sometimes 【HSK-6】
【时(sometimes) + 而(while)】
- Tā shí'ér huáiyí, shí'ér jiēshòu.他时而怀疑,时而接受。He was sometimes skeptical and sometimes accepting. 13669
14. bùshí 不时 from time to time | frequently | often | now and then 【HSK-6】
【不(not) + 时(scheduled)】
- Tā bùshí lái kàn wǒ.她不时来看我。She comes to see me from time to time. 13666
15. xiǎoshí 小时 hour 【HSK-2】
【小(small) + 时(hour)】
- Kǎoshì chíxùle yīgè bàn xiǎoshí.考试持续了一个半小时。The exam lasted an hour and a half. 9924
16. píngshí 平时 usual | peacetime | ordinary times 【HSK-4】
【平(common) + 时(time)】
- Wǒmen huāle bǐ píngshí gèng duō de shíjiān.我们花了比平时更多的时间。We spent more time than usual. 10744
17. ànshí 按时 on time | on schedule | punctually 【HSK-4】
【按(according to, on) + 时(time, schedule)】
- Nǐ yīnggāi ànshí dào xuéxiào.你应该按时到学校。You should arrive at school on time. 12832
18. zhǔnshí 准时 on time | punctually 【HSK-4】
【准(accurate, exact) + 时(time, schedule)】
- Nǐ wèishénme bùnéng zhǔnshí lái jiē wǒ ne?你为什么不能准时来接我呢?Why can't you just pick me on time? 12837
19. jíshí 及时 in time | timely 【HSK-4】
【及(reach, in time for) + 时(time)】
- Wǒmen jíshí wánchéngle rènwù.我们及时完成了任务。We completed the task in time. 12833
20. dāngshí 当时 at that time 【HSK-4】
【当(when) + 时(time)】
- Tā dāngshí shòudào tā fùqīn de yǐngxiǎng.她当时受到她父亲的影响。She was influenced by her father at the time. 10067
21. tóngshí 同时 at the same time 【HSK-4】
【同(same) + 时(time)】
- Nǐ néng tóngshí zuò zhè liǎng jiàn shì ma?你能同时做这两件事吗?Can you do both at the same time? 12839
22. suíshí 随时 at any time | at all times 【HSK-5】
【随(along with) + 时(time)】
- Nǐ suíshí dōu kěyǐ líkāi.你随时都可以离开。You can leave at any time. 13665
23. zànshí 暂时 for the time being | for the moment | for the present 【HSK-4】
【暂(temporary) + 时(time)】
- Qǐng zànshí bùyào kǎolǜ zhè jiàn shì.请暂时不要考虑这件事。Please don‘t consider this matter for the time being. 13680
- Zhè zànshí kěyǐ jiějué wèntí.这暂时可以解决问题。This can solve the problem for the moment. 13681
24. línshí 临时 temporary | provisional | for a short time 【HSK-5】
【临(approach, just before) + 时(time)】
- Wǒ zài gàn yī fèn línshí gōngzuò, zhēng xiē wàikuài.我在干一份临时工作,挣些外快。I've been doing a temporary job to earn some extra money. 13657
25. dùnshí 顿时 suddenly | immediately | at once 【HSK-6】
【顿(pause, stop) + 时(time)】
- Tā de tàidù dùnshí biànle.他的态度顿时变了。His attitude changed suddenly. 13667