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Chinese Syllable - 'biao' (2 Characters + Words)

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biao   (2 Characters + Words)

  1. 【biǎo】  a watch | surface | exterior
    1. 手表【shǒubiǎo】 wrist watch | watch [level: 2] n.
    2. 表示【biǎoshì】 express | convey [level: 3] v.
    3. 表演【biǎoyǎn】 act | perform | play [level: 3] v.
    4. 表演【biǎoyǎn】 performance | exhibition | show [level: 3] n.
    5. 表格【biǎogé】 form | table | list [level: 4] n.
    6. 表扬【biǎoyáng】 praise [level: 4] v.
    7. 表扬【biǎoyáng】 praise | recognition [level: 4] n.
    8. 代表【dàibiǎo】 represent | stand for | on behalf of [level: 4] v.
    9. 表达【biǎodá】 express [level: 4] v.
    10. 发表【fābiǎo】 issue (a statement) | publish | issue [level: 5]
    11. 表情【biǎoqíng】 expression | countenance | look [level: 5]
    12. 表面【biǎo miàn】 surface | superficies | boundary [level: 5]
    13. 表明【biǎo míng】 make known | make clear | state clearly [level: 5]
    14. 表现【biǎo xiàn】 show | express | display [level: 5]
    15. 表决【biǎo jué】 put to vote | decide by vote | vote [level: 6]
    16. 表态【biǎo tài】 make known one's position | state clearly one's stand | clarify one's position [level: 6]
    17. 表彰【biǎo zhāng】 commend | cite | honour [level: 6]
    18. 外表【wài biǎo】 outward appearance | exterior | surface [level: 6]
  2. 【biāo】  to mark | the topmost branches of a tree | surface
    1. 标准【biāozhǔn】 standard | criterion [level: 4] n.
    2. 标准【biāozhǔn】 conforming to a standard [level: 4] adj.
    3. 标点【biāo diǎn】 punctuation | punctuate [level: 5]
    4. 标志【biāo zhì】 sign | mark | symbol [level: 5]
    5. 目标【mù biāo】 target | objective | goal [level: 5]
    6. 鼠标【shǔ biāo】 mouse [level: 5]
    7. 标本【biāoběn】 specimen | sample | muter [level: 6]
    8. 标记【biāo jì】 mark | tab | sign [level: 6]
    9. 标题【biāo tí】 title | headline | heading [level: 6]
    10. 商标【shāng biāo】 trademark | brand [level: 6]
    11. 招标【zhāo biāo】 invite tenders (from) | invite bids | submit public bids [level: 6]
    12. 指标【zhǐ biāo】 norm | target | quota [level: 6]