词根 Root | 词缀 Affix (Videos) >>事

shì 事 matter | thing | affair | event | accident | business | occupation | achievement | work | engaged in |
事 has multiple meanings like matter, thing, affair, event, accident, business, occupation, achievement, work, and engaged in, etc. 事 can be used as a root to form other compound words. In HSK 1-6 vocabulary, 25 words contain the character 事.
事: 事物 | 事务 | 事先 | 事情 | 事态 | 事实 | 事件 | 事项 | 事业 | 事迹 | 事故 | 故事 | 往事 | 从事 | 本事 | 失事 | 时事 | 启事 | 军事 | 刑事 | 人事 | 同事 | 当事人 | 董事长 | 实事求是 |
1. shìwù 事物 thing | object 【HSK-5】
【事(thing) + 物(object)】
- Wǒ xǐhuān chángshì xīn shìwù.我喜欢尝试新事物。I like to try new things. 13714
- Měi yīgè shìwù dōu yǒu duìyìng de cí.每一个事物都有对应的词。Every object has a corresponding word. 13747
2. shìwù 事务 affair | business 【HSK-6】
【事(affair) + 务(business)】
- Tā fùzé gōngsī de rìcháng shìwù.他负责公司的日常事务。He is responsible for the daily affairs of the company. 13723
- Tā hái yǒu xiē shìwù yào chǔlǐ.她还有些事务要处理。She still has some business to handle. 13748
3. shìxiān 事先 in advance | beforehand | prior 【HSK-5】
【事(matter) + 先(before; in advance)】
- Wǒ méiyǒu shìxiān tōngzhī tā.我没有事先通知他。I didn't inform him in advance. 13715
4. shìqing 事情 matter | thing | business | event | affair 【HSK-2】
【事(matter) + 情(condition; situation)】
- Qǐng gěi wǒ huí diànhuà——yǒu hěn zhòngyào de shìqing.请给我回电话——有很重要的事情。Please call me back - it's a matter of some importance. 13732
5. shìtài 事态 state of affairs | situation 【HSK-6】
【事(affair) + 态(state)】
- Shìtài hěn yánzhòng.事态很严重。The situation is serious. 13722
6. shìshí 事实 fact 【HSK-5】
【事(matter) + 实(fact)】
- Cóng zhèxiē shìshí zhōng nǐ dé chūle shénme jiélùn?从这些事实中你得出了什么结论?What did you conclude from the facts? 13372
7. shìjiàn 事件 event | incident | affair 【HSK-6】
【事(affair; event) + 件(piece; item)】
- Zài zhè yī shíqí fāshēngle xǔduō chóngdà shìjiàn.在这一时期发生了许多重大事件。Many major events occurred during this period. 13721
8. shìxiàng 事项 item | matter 【HSK-6】
【事(matter) + 项(item)】
- Wǒmen zài zhòngdà shìxiàng shàng dáchéngle yīzhì.我们在重大事项上达成了一致。We reached agreement on major matters. 13724
9. shìyè 事业 career | cause | enterprise | undertaking 【HSK-6】
【事(occupation) + 业(profession)】
- Zhè shì tā shìyè shàng de zhuǎnzhédiǎn.这是他事业上的转折点。It was a turning point in his career. 13734
10. shìjì 事迹 deed | achievement 【HSK-6】
【事(achievement) + 迹(mark; trace)】
- Tā de shìjì yǐjīng chéngwéi chuánqí.他的事迹已经成为传奇.His deeds have become legendary. 13733
11. shìgù 事故 accident | failure 【HSK-6】
【事(accident) + 故(cause)】
- Tā zài yīqǐ jiāotōng shìgù zhōng shòushāngle.她在一起交通事故中受伤了。She was injured in a car accident. 13741
- Wǒmen cǎiqǔ cuòshī fángzhǐ shìgù fāshēng.我们采取措施防止事故发生。We take measures to prevent failures. 13742
12. gùshi 故事 story | tale | narrative 【HSK-3】
【故(past) + 事(matter)】
- Zhè shì yīgè gǎnrén de àiqíng gùshi.这是一个感人的爱情故事。This is a touching love story. 9058
- Háizimen xǐhuān tīng tónghuà gùshi.孩子们喜欢听童话故事。The children like to listen to fairy tales. 13743
- Tā jiǎng de gùshi lìng rén xìnfú.他讲的故事令人信服。The narrative he told was convincing. 13744
13. wǎngshì 往事 the past | history | past events 【HSK-6】
【往(past; previous) + 事(events)】
- Wǒmen yīqǐ huíyì wǎngshì.我们一起回忆往事。We recall the past together. 13726
14. cóngshì 从事 engage | do | undertake | deal with | embark | handle 【HSK-5】
【从(join) + 事(engaged in)】
- Tā cóngshì kēyán gōngzuò.他从事科研工作。He is engaged in scientific research. 13713
15. běnshì 本事 skill | ability | capability | talent 【HSK-6】
【本(self) + 事(engaged in) | Original Meaning: “本身所从事” or “农业”】
- Tā yǒu běnshì néng ràng biérén xìnrèn tā.他有本事能让别人信任他.He has the ability to make others trust him. 13731
16. shīshì 失事 crash | wreck | fatal accident | have an accident 【HSK-6】
【失(be out of control) + 事(accident)】
- Bàozhǐ bàodàoguò nà cì fēijī shīshì.报纸报道过那次飞机失事。The newspapers had reported the plane crash. 13718
17. shíshì 时事 current affairs | current events 【HSK-6】
【时(current) + 事(affair)】
- Wǒ cóng xīnwén zhōng liǎojiě shíshì.我从新闻中了解时事。I learn about current affairs from the news. 13671
18. qǐshì 启事 notice | announcement 【HSK-6】
【启(state; inform) + 事(matter)】
- Wǒ zài bàozhǐ shàng kàn dàole tā de jiéhūn qǐshì.我在报纸上看到了她的结婚启事。I saw her wedding notice in the newspaper. 13717
19. jūnshì 军事 military | military affairs 【HSK-5】
【军(military) + 事(affairs)】
- Hépíng bùjǐn shì gè jūnshì wèntí.和平不仅是个军事问题。Peace is not just a military issue. 13730
20. xíngshì 刑事 criminal | penal 【HSK-6】
【刑(criminal) + 事(affairs)】
- Jǐngfāng zài diàochá zhè qǐ xíngshì ànjiàn.警方在调查这起刑事案件。The police are investigating this criminal case. 13727
21. rénshì 人事 personnel | personal relations 【HSK-5】
【人(personnel) + 事(matters)】
- Tā yǔ rénshì bùmén mìqiè hézuò.他与人事部门密切合作。He works closely with the personnel department. 13740
22. tóngshì 同事 colleague 【HSK-3】
【同(together) + 事(work)】
- Wǒ xǐhuān hé tóngshìmen jiāohuàn yìjiàn.我喜欢和同事们交换意见。I like to exchange views with colleagues. 13729
23. dāngshìrén 当事人 litigant | party(to a lawsuit) | person concerned 【HSK-6】
【当(undertake) + 事(matter) + 人(person)】
- Dāngshìrén zài fǎtíng shàng kěyǐ tíchū xīn de zhèngjù.当事人在法庭上可以提出新的证据。The litigant may present new evidence at the court. 13735
24. dǒngshìzhǎng 董事长 chairman | president | chairman of the board 【HSK-6】
【董(direct) + 事(business) + 长(leader)】
- Wǒ shì zhè jiā gōngsī de dǒngshìzhǎng.我是这家公司的董事长。I'm the chairman of this company. 13716
25. shíshìqiúshì 实事求是 seek truth from facts | be practical and realistic 【HSK-6】
【实(practical) + 事(work) + 求(seek) + 是(truth)】
- Wǒmen duì zìjǐ de gūjì yīnggāi shíshìqiúshì.我们对自己的估计应该实事求是。We must be realistic in our self-estimation. 13385