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17 Chinese Characters containing 羊

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yángsheep | goat | (surname)   
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1. yáng sheep | goat | (surname)   Radical:
羊 is pictograph character. The original scripts depict a goat's head.
yáng sheep | goat
Yáng zài zhèlǐ zhǎng de yòu féi yòu zhuàng.
The sheep grow fat and strong here.

2. qún flock | group | crowd   Radical:
群 is a phono-semantic compound. The left side represents the pronunciation "jun - qun", and the right side indicates meaning. 群 means "flock, group".
qún group | herd | flock | crowd
Jīngguò cūnzhuāng shí, wǒ kàn dàole yīqún yáng.
When passed through the village, I saw a flock of sheeps.

3. yáng ocean | foreign   Radical:
The radical 氵 indicates water, and the right side is the pronunciation "yang".
hǎiyáng 海洋 ocean
Hǎiyáng fùgàile dìqiú biǎomiàn de 71%.
The oceans cover 71% of the Earth's surface.

4. yàng appearance | shape | manner | pattern | way |   Radical:
样: The left side means wood, and the right side is the pronunciation "yang". The original meaning is "sample".
múyàng 模样 appearance | look
Tā zǒng shì zhège múyàng.
She always has this appearance.

5. yǎng to itch | to tickle   Radical:
痒: The outer part is the radical 疒(Nè), meaning illness.
yǎng itch | tickle
Tā de ěrduǒ yǎng.
Its ear tickles.

6. yǎng oxygen   Radical:
氧: The outer part is the radical 气, meaning air or gas.
yǎngqì 氧气 oxygen | oxygen gas
Zhèxiē zhíwù jiāng huì chǎnchū yǎngqì.
These plants will produce oxygen.

7. xiáng soar   Radical:
翔: The right side is the radical 羽, meaning feathers or wing. This character means soar, fly.
fēixiáng 飞翔 fly
Niǎo shì rúhé xuéhuì fēixiáng de ne?
How did birds learn to fly?

8. xiáng detailed | comprehensive   Radical:
详: The left side is the radical 言, meaning words, speech. 详 means detailed.
xiángxì 详细 detailed | minute | careful | at length | in detail
Xiànzài shì zuò xiángxì jìhuà de shíhòule.
Now it's time to make a detailed plan.

9. xiáng auspicious | propitious   Radical:
祥: The left side is the radical "礻" which is commonly known as 示字旁(shì zì páng). Chinese Characters using the radical 礻 are often related to sacrifices and ceremonies. 祥 means auspicious.
jíxiáng 吉祥 auspicious | lucky | propitious
Liùshí suì shì yīgè jíxiáng de niánlíng.
Sixty is an auspicious age.

10. xiàn to envy   Radical:
羡: The lower part is a rarely used character 㳄(xián) which depicts a drooling man, and it also represents the pronunciation "xian". 羡 means "admire, envy".
xiànmù 羡慕 admire | envy
Wǒ xiànmù nǐ de hǎo yùnqì.
I admire your fortune.

11. gài/gě lid | top | cover | canopy | to build, (surname)   Radical:
盖 depicts a cover on a pot. The lower part is the radical 皿, which is commonly known as 皿字底(mǐn zì dǐ). Chinese characters with the radical 皿(mǐn) are often related to vessels containing things.
gài cover | lid | cap
Fángwū hé jiēdào dōu bèi dàxuě gài zhùle.
The houses and streets were covered by heavy snow.

12. shàn good   Radical:
The original form of 善 has a goat on the top and 2 言(words, speech) on the bottom. The original meaning of 善 is "praise again and again".
shànliáng 善良 good and honest | kindhearted
Tā shìgè shànliáng héqì de lǎo tàitài.
She is a kind and amiable old lady.

13. yǎng grow | raise | to bring sb. up | give birth | keep (pets) | to support   Radical:
The original form of 养 includes 羊(goat) ans 食(food). Now, it is simplified as "养", which means "raise".
sìyǎng 饲养 feeding | raise | rear | raising
Tāmen zài nóngchǎng lǐ sìyǎng dòngwù.
They raise animals on the farm.

14. měi beautiful | America   Radical:
In the oracle bone script, 美 depicts a standing man with ornament on his head. 美 means beautiful.
měilì 美丽 beautiful
Nà shì yīgè níngjìng měilì de yèwǎn.
It was a peaceful and beautiful night.

15. zhāo/zháo/zhe/zhù/zhuó catch | receive | suffer | (auxiliary word-always behind verb)   Radical:
In the oracle bone script, 美 depicts a standing man with ornament on his head. 美 means beautiful.
zháojí 着急 feel anxious | worry
Bié zháojí, tā huì méishì de.
Don't worry, she'll be all right.

16. chā/chà/chāi/cī difference | to differ | error | to make a mistake, differ from | short of | to lack | poor, send | a messenger | a mission | to commission, uneven   Radical:
The lower part of 差 depicts the left hand. The original meaning of 差 is mistake, difference.
chābié 差别 difference | disparity | dissimilarity | distinction | unlikeness
Liǎngzhě zhī jiān chābié hěn dà.
There is a big difference between the two.

17. xiū shy | ashamed | shame | bashful   Radical:
The original script of 羞 depicts a hand hold a goat, which means "offer". Now it means "shy".
hàixiū 害羞 shy
Tā shìbùshì xiàng háizi yīyàng hàixiū?
Is she as shy as a child?