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鸟鸣涧 - 王维

Tang poems 唐诗 >> 鸟鸣涧 - 王维
Niǎo Míng Jiàn  鸟鸣涧
王维 (Wang Wei)   唐朝 Tang Dynasty
Rén xián guìhuā luò, yè jìng chūnshān kōng.
yuè chū jīng shān niǎo, shí míng chūn jiàn zhōng.
    王維:Wang Wei (699–759), was a Chinese poet, musician, painter, and politician during the Tang dynasty. Twenty-nine of his poems were included in the highly influential 18th-century anthology Three Hundred Tang Poems.
  1. 鸟鸣涧:The Gully of Twittering Birds
  2. 人闲:when I have an idle moment
  3. 桂花:sweet-scented osmanthus
  4. 落:fall
  5. 夜静:night is quiet
  6. 春山空:spring mountain is empty
  7. 月出:the moon rises
  8. 惊山鸟:(the moon)startle mountain birds
  9. 时鸣:(birds) sing and twitter from time to time
  10. 春涧中:in the spring gully
The Gully of Twittering Birds
In an idle moment, I watch osmanthus flowers fall on the ground.
Spring hills are empty in the silent night.
The rising moon startles mountain birds, and they sing and twitter in the spring gully.