每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

赠花卿 - 杜甫

Tang poems 唐诗 >> 赠花卿

Zèng Huā Qīng
杜甫 (Du Fu)   唐朝 Tang Dynasty (618-907)
Jǐn chéng sī guǎn rì fēnfēn, bàn rù jiāng fēng bàn rù yún.
Cǐ qǔ zhǐ yīng tiānshàng yǒu, rénjiān néng dé jǐ huí wén?
    杜甫:Du Fu (712 – 770), Du Fu was a Chinese poet of the Tang dynasty. Along with Li Bai, he is frequently called the greatest of the Chinese poets.
  1. 赠:dedicated to
  2. 花卿:Lord Hua
  3. 锦城:Chengdu (成都)
  4. 丝管:music
  5. 纷纷:melodious
  6. 半:half
  7. 入:enter
  8. 江风:wind above river
  9. 云:cloud
  10. 此曲:this music
  11. 应:should
  12. 天上:in heaven
  13. 人间:world of people
  14. 几回闻:rarely heard
The sound of melodious music drifts over the city all day long,
gently floating in the wind above river, slowly rising into the clouds.
Such beautiful music must come from heaven.
One can rarely get to hear it in the world of people.