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9 HSK Characters containing 非 (Fēi)

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fēinon- | not- | un-   
| | | | | | | | |

1. fēi non- | not- | un-   Radical:
The original scripts of 非 depict a pair of wings in opposite directions, meaning "violate, run counter to".
shìfēi 是非 right and wrong | quarrel | dispute
Yào ràng háizimen zìjǐ pànduàn shìfēi.
Let the children themselves judge right and wrong.

2. bēi sad | sadness | sorrow | grief   Radical:
"悲" is a phono-semantic compound character. "非" represents the pronunciation, and the radical 心 indicates that this character is related to psychological and emotional activities. Its original meaning is "grieved, sad".
bēi’āi 悲哀 sorrow | grief | grieve | sorrowful | grieved
Měi kē xīn dōu yǒu tā zìjǐ de bēi'āi.
Every heart has its own sorrow.

3. bèi generation in family | lifetime | familiar circle   Radical:
辈 is a phono-semantic compound character. 非 represents the pronunciation, and the radical 车 indicates that this character is related to vehicles. The original meaning of 辈 is "a hundred carriages", which was extended into the meaning of "category, classification".
zhǎngbèi 长辈 elder | eldership | seniority
Zūnzhòng zhǎngbèi shì yī zhǒng měidé.
Respect for elders is a virtue.

4. fēi coffee   Radical:
啡 is a phono-semantic compound character. 非 represents the pronunciation, and the radical 口 indicates that this character is related to mouth. 咖啡 is a phonetic transliteration of "coffee".
kāfēi 咖啡 coffee
Wǒ xǐhuān kāfēi yīnwèi tā shì kǔ de.
I like coffee because it's bitter.

5. fěi to slander   Radical:
诽 is a phono-semantic compound character. 非 represents the pronunciation, and the radical 讠 indicates that this character is related to language.
fěibàng 诽谤 slander | calumniate | libel | defame
Nǐ yīngdāng fǎnjī zhè zhǒng èyì fěibàng.
You should fight back against this malicious slander.

6. pái/pǎi to line up | to arrange | to put in order | to push | to expel | to exclude, row | raft | platoon   Radical:
排 is a phono-semantic compound character. 非 represents the pronunciation, and the radical 扌 indicates that this character is related to the activities of hands. Its original meaning is "to push".
páiduì 排队 queue | line up
Rénmen páiduì mǎi piào.
People lined up to buy tickets.
Háizimen páizhe duì jìnrù bówùguǎn.
The children are lining up to enter the museum.

7. pái to walk back and forth   Radical:
徘 is a phono-semantic compound character. 非 represents the pronunciation, and the radical 彳 indicates small step walking. The original meaning of 徘 is walk back and forth.
páihuái 徘徊 wander | hover | linger | roam | hesitate | waver
Tā zài gǔlǎo de gōngdiàn zhōng páihuái.
He wandered in the ancient palace.

8. zuì guilt | crime | fault | blame | sin   Radical:
罪 is a phono-semantic compound character. 非 represents the pronunciation, and the radical 罒 indicates that this character is related to net. The original meaning of 罪 is "bamboo fishnet". 罪 was borrowed to express "crime, guilt".
zuìfàn 罪犯 criminal | offender | culprit
Jǐngchá zhōngyú zhuā zhùle zhège zuìfàn.
The police finally caught the criminal.

9. kào to depend on | to lean on | to trust | to approach | near   Radical:
靠 is a phono-semantic compound character. 告 represents the pronunciation, and the radical 非 means "depend on each other".
yīkào 依靠 rely on | depend on
Háizimen yīkào fùmǔqīn.
Children depend on their parents.