论语人物故事 >> Reading Comprehension:
齐国大夫崔杼杀死了齐庄公。齐国的史官如实地记录下“崔杼杀了他的国君。” 崔杼处死了史官,让史官的大弟弟来写。大弟弟仍然写 “崔杼杀了他的国君。” 崔杼又处死了大弟弟,然后让史官的二弟弟写,二弟弟还是这么写,也被杀。到了三弟弟继续这样写,崔杼没办法只好放过了三弟弟。史官的族人南史氏以为史官的一家人都被杀,就自己背着竹简要去写史书。走到半路听说这件事已经被如实记录了,这才返回家中。中国有个说法叫史笔如铁,这个故事就是最好的例子。
- 史笔如铁: historian's pen is as hard as iron
- 齐国: the state of Qi (1044-221 BC)
- 大夫: senior official in feudal China
- 崔杼: Cui Zhu (?–546 BC), a powerful minister of Qi
- 杀: murder; kill
- 齐庄公: Duke Zhuang of Qi (Reign:553–548 BC) was a ruler of the State of Qi, a major power during the Spring and Autumn period of ancient China.
- 史官: court historian; historiographer
- 如实: truthfully
- 记录: record; write down
- 处死: execute
- 弟弟: younger brother
- 仍然: still
- 然后: afterwards; then
- 还是: still; nevertheless
- 继续: continue
- 只好: have no choice but to
- 族人: clansman
- 竹简: slips of bamboo for writing
- 返回: return; go back
- 例子: example