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Tang poems 唐诗 >> 送孟浩然之广陵
Sòng Mèng Hàorán Zhī Guǎng Líng
李白 (Li Bai)   唐朝 Tang Dynasty
Gùrén xī cí huáng hè lóu, yānhuā sān yuè xià yángzhōu.
Gū fān yuǎn yǐng bìkōng jǐn, wéi jiàn chángjiāng tiānjì liú.

   Seeing off Meng Haoran for Guangling
At the Yellow Crane Tower, my old friend bids farewell to me;
In the blooming Spring, he sails downstream to Yangzhou.
His lonely sail fades into the blue sky.
I can only see the Yangtze river flowing towards the horizon.
    李白-Li Bai (701–762 AD) is often considered the greatest Chinese poet of all time.
  1. 孟浩然-Meng Haoran (689/691–740 AD) was a major Tang dynasty poet. He was a close friend of Li Bai.
  2. 黄鹤楼-Yellow Crane Tower. It is said that an immortal sat on a yellow crane and flew from there to heaven.
  3. 送-see off
  4. 之-go to
  5. 广陵-Guangling (扬州 Yangzhou)
  6. 故人-old friend
  7. 西-west
  8. 辞-take leave
  9. 烟花-blooming scenes of spring
  10. 三月-March
  11. 下-head downstream
  12. 孤帆-lonely sail
  13. 远影-distant view
  14. 碧空-blue sky
  15. 尽-disappear
  16. 唯-only
  17. 见-see
  18. 长江-Yangtze river
  19. 天际-horizon
  20. 流-flow