每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

二级汉字 No.232 - 254 🌱部首 🍃组件 🌿词根 (Part 8)

In this video, I will introduce:
  • 23 HSK level 2 Characters
  • 14 radicals, 6 of them are related to animals.
  • 11 components
  • 46 level 2 words
    Word Roots: 画(20),带(21),养(23),特(23),色(23),物(33),理(53)…
  • I will also introduce 78 higher-level words. These words are entirely composed of level 1 & 2 Chinese characters that you have already learned.

二级汉字 No.232 - 254 🌱部首 🍃组件 🌿词根
组件 🍃 Components
  1. 🍃 鱼--鱼渔. 鱼 is the sound component of the character 渔.
  2. 🍃 黄--黄横.
  3. 🍃 色--色绝.
  4. 🍃 带--带滞.
  5. 🍃 虽--虽强.
  6. 🍃 市--市柿闹.
  7. 🍃 留--留瘤溜遛.
  8. 🍃 参--参惨渗掺.
  9. 🍃 因--因姻咽烟恩.
  10. 🍃 由--由油邮抽袖宙轴迪笛届聘庙
  11. 🍃 王--王玉主全金现玫枉狂旺汪斑望皇呈碧弄
部首 🌱 Chinese Radicals
  1. The radical 鸟 is commonly known as 鸟字旁(niǎo zì páng). Chinese characters with the radical 鸟 are often related to bird.
    📘 The oracle bone script of 鸟 depicts a bird.
  2. The radical 鱼 is commonly known as 鱼字旁(yú zì páng). Chinese characters with the radical 鱼 are often related to fish.
    📘 The oracle bone script of 鱼 looks like a fish with a mouth, fins, and scales.
  3. The radical 犭 is commonly known as 反犬旁(fǎn quǎn páng). Chinese characters with the radical 犭 are often related to dog or other "dog-like" animals.
    📘 犭 is originated from the character 犬. The oracle bone script of 犬 resembles a big dog. In ancient times, 犬 specifically referred to big dogs, and 狗 were small dogs.
  4. The radical 牜 is commonly known as 牛字旁(niú zì páng). Chinese characters having the radical 牜 are mostly related to cattle or other cattle-like animals.
    📘 牜 is originated from the character 牛. The oracle bone script of 牛 resembles a bull's head from the front.
  5. The radical 马 is commonly known as 马字旁(mǎ zì páng). Chinese characters having the radical 马 are mostly related to horse.
    📘 马 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depicts a horse.
  6. The radical 虫 is commonly known as 虫字旁(chóng zì páng). Chinese characters with the radical 虫 are usually related to insects, snakes or other animals.
    📘 The oracle bone script of 虫 depicts a venomous snake. Later, it became the simplified character of 蟲(worm), meaning insects.
  7. The radical 大 is commonly known as 大字头(dà zì tóu). Chinese characters with the radical 大 are usually related to people or big things.
    📘 大 is a pictograph character. Its Oracle Bone Script depicts a person standing with arms and legs stretched out and facing forward.
  8. The radical 巾 is commonly known as 巾字旁(Jīn Zì Páng). Chinese characters having this radical are usually related to cloth or cloth products.
    📘 The oracle bone script of 巾 resembles a drooping scarf.
  9. The radical 囗 is commonly known as 方框儿(fāng kuàngr). Chinese characters with the radical 囗 are often related to walls, surroundings, or enclosure.
    📘 The original character of the radical 囗 is 围, which means "enclose; surround".
  10. The radical 色 is commonly known as 色字旁(sè zì páng). Chinese characters with the radical 色 are usually related to the meaning of color, look or appearance.
    📘 In oracle bone script, the upper part of 色 resembles a standing person, and the lower part resembles a kneeling person. Its original meaning is anger look.
  11. The radical 田 is commonly known as 田字旁(tián zì páng). Chinese characters with the radical 田 are usually related to fields or farmlands.
    📘 The oracle bone script of 田 resembles neatly divided farmlands.
  12. The radical 王 is commonly known as 斜玉旁(xié yù páng, 斜:oblique). Chinese characters with this radical are mostly related to jade, gem or precious stone.
    📘 The oracle bone script of 玉 looks like three jade stones stringed together.
  13. The radical 廾 is commonly known as 廾字旁(gǒng zì páng). Chinese characters with this radical are mostly related to the actions and behaviors of the two hands.
    📘 The oracle bone script of 廾 resembles two hands holding something. It is now represented by the character 拱 "Gǒng".
  14. The radical 丷 is commonly known as 丷字旁(bā zì páng). This radical is generally used on the upper part of Chinese characters. In ancient times, "丷" and "八" were the same characters, but now "丷" is only used as a radical.
词根 🌿 Word Roots: 字 | 词 | 词组
  1. 【🌵特别】 我特别喜欢这部电影。
    I especially like this movie.
  2. 【🌵虽然】 虽然很想帮你,但我太忙了。
    Although I really want to help you, I'm too busy.
  3. 【🌵带】 雨下得很大,而她没有带伞。
    It was raining heavily, and she didn't bring an umbrella.
  4. 【🌵因为】 我们不能出去因为下雨了。
    We can't go out because of the rain.
  5. 【🌵留】 他留在家里照顾孩子。
    He stayed at home to take care of the children.
  6. 【🌵弄】 我看了说明,但还是弄不明白。
    I've read the instructions, but I still can't figure it out.