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Questions with the Modal Particles 吗, 呢, 吧 (HSK 1-3 级 语法点 🔮 Grammar Points)

Today, let's learn HSK grammar points. Chinese grammar mainly relies on word order and function words. In this video, I am going to introduce 3 function words: 吗,呢,吧. They are modal particles used at the end of sentences to indicate mood or attitude. These 3 modal particles are always pronounced in neutral tone.

The modal particle 吗 is used at the end of the declarative sentence, changing a declarative mood into an interrogative mood, and turning the declarative sentence into a question.

Modal particles 了 and 吗 are used at the end of interrogative sentences to inquire about changes in the situation.

A negative rhetorical question with "不……吗?" is actually like a strong positive statement. The purpose is often to emphasize the point and strengthen the tone.

The modal adverb 还 can be used with the modal particle 吗 to raise a rhetorical question. The negative rhetorical question expresses something likely or expected, like "should" in English.

Modal verbs can be used together with the modal particle 吗 in interrogative sentences to ask about ability, permission, request, or suggestion, etc.

When an unfavorable situation was mentioned previously, the structure 能……吗 can raise a rhetorical question which implies the negative statement.

The tag questions, like 好吗, 行吗, 对吗, 是吗, are used after a statement to make a suggestion or request, or to ask for an idea, opinion or confirmation.

The structure "知道……吗?" is used to ask someone for information, which is the same as "Do you know……?" in English. A question is embedded between 知道 and 吗. Without the verb 知道, 吗 can not be used at the end of the question.

Special question can be used as the object after some verbs. The modal particle 吗 can be used at the end of the sentence.

The verb complement in the affirmative-negative structure can form a question. Another way to raise a question is to put the modal particle 吗 at the end of the declarative sentence.

The modal particles 了and 吗 can be used after the verb and result complement to ask whether the state has changed.

It is incorrect to use 吗 at the end of an affirmative-negative question. Instead, you can use the modal particle 呢. 吗 appears in yes-no questions, but 呢 does not.

The structure "Noun/Pronoun/Noun Phrase + 呢?" can be used to ask about the location of somebody or something.

The modal particle 呢 can be used at the end of a follow-up question about the situation mentioned previously, like "What do you think ……?" "What about you?" in English.

The modal particle 呢 can be used with certain adverbs to emphasize the verb and to strengthen the tone.

The modal particle 呢 can be used with certain adverbs to emphasize adjective in an exaggerated tone.

The modal particle 呢 can be used with the question word 怎么 to form a rhetorical question. No answer or reply is expected when a rhetorical question is asked.

The modal particle 呢 is used in questions other than Yes-No questions. It can be used in special question with a question word, such as: 什么, 干什么, 为什么, 谁, 哪儿, etc.

As a modal particle, 呢 can be used at the end of a question or a noun to express interrogative tone. This kind of interrogative sentences include follow-up question, rhetorical question, affirmative-negative question, choice question, and special question with question word.

The modal particle 呢 can be used with 还是 to form an alternative question. 还是 connects the choices, and 呢 expresses the interrogative tone.

The modal particle 吧 can be used at the end of a question to express doubt, uncertainty or speculation. 吧 is pronounced in neutral tone.

The modal particle 吧 can be used in tag questions, asking for confirmation of information.