每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

21 HSK Characters with 扌, 又, or 攵 - HSK 三级汉字 Part 5

In this lesson, I am going to introduce 21 Characters with radicals 扌, 又 and 攵(pū).

These 21 Characters contain:
* a Polyphonic Character 散;
* 3 radicals: 扌, 又, and 攵; (they are all related to hands)
* 3 characters 散,及 and 反 which can be used as components to form other characters. 
When used as roots, some Chinese characters, such as 反,指, can form many other compound words. We will learn a total of 172 HSK words formed by them.

1. 【把】 我把这个问题留给你。
I leave this question to you.

2. 【把】 我只有两把椅子。
I only have two chairs.

3. 【把握】 你应该把握这次机会。
You should seize this opportunity.

4. 【把关】 他负责质量把关。
He is responsible for quality control.

5. 【一把手】 他是我们公司的一把手。
He is the head of our company.

6. 【根据】 可根据你想要的效果改变字号。
The fonts can be sized according to what effect you want.

7. 【据此】 据此,你可以计算出总量。
Based on this, you can calculate the total mass.

8. 【批】 我们收到一批新鲜蔬菜。
We received a batch of fresh vegetables.

9. 【批】 他会狠批你一顿。
He will severely criticize you.

10. 【按时】 每个人都按时赶到。
Everyone arrived on time.

11. 【按说】 按说人们应当买票,不过买的人不多。
People are supposed to buy a ticket, but not many do.

12. 【把握】 你应该把握这次机会。
You should seize this opportunity.

13. 【拍板】 没有他拍板决定,谁也不愿行动。
No one is willing to take action without his final decision.

14. 【挂失】 我的银行卡丢了,我要赶紧挂失。
I lost my bank card. I need to report loss as soon as possible.

15. 【及时】 我们及时完成了任务。
We completed the task in time.

16. 【普及】 新技术近几年普及得非常快。
New technologies have spread rapidly in recent years.

17. 【以及】 全球变暖以及气候变化影响着我们每个人。
Global warming and climate change affect each of us.

18. 【及】 这项服务还包括包装及递送礼物。
The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts.

19. 【及其】 他邀请张先生及其夫人一起去旅行。
He invited Mr. Zhang and his wife to travel together.

20. 【反】 事实的反义词是什么?
What is the opposite of truth?

21. 【反而】 过分详细反而使人糊涂。
Giving too much detail may actually be confusing.

22. 【相反】 他朝相反的方向跑去。
He ran in the opposite direction.

23. 【反倒】 雪停了,反倒更冷了。
The snow has stopped, yet it's even colder.

24. 【整整】 我在这儿等了整整一个小时。
I've been waiting here for a whole hour.

25. 【有效】 我们可以更有效地利用资源。
We could use resources more efficiently.

26. 【敢】 你敢尝试一次类似的挑战吗?
Do you dare to try a similar challenge?

27. 【不敢当】 你这样称赞我,我真是不敢当。
You speak too highly of me. I honestly don't deserve it.

28. 【敢于】 她有主见,并且敢于表达自己的观点。
She has a mind of her own and isn't afraid to express her own opinions.

29. 【敢情】 你想帮忙,那敢情好,来吧!
You want to help. That's great! Come here!

30. 【散】 大家别走散了。
Let's not get separated.

31. 【散】 这个村的村民们住得很散。
The villagers in this village live rather far apart from one another.

32. 【救济】 新到的救济金帮助了很多家庭。
This new benefit has helped many families.
Now, We have learned 21 Chinese characters, 172 HSK words, and 32 example sentences. Learning radicals, components, syllables, word roots and example sentences can help us build up Chinese vocabulary effectively.