每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

【Part 7. № 126-150】25 Chinese Radicals

⬅️汉字部首 - № 126-150

Today, I am going to introduce 25 radicals. We will learn their original scripts and associated characters and words. Some of them have very similar forms but quite different meanings.

汉字部首 № 126-150 第七部分

Chinese Radicals:
户 门 穴 宀 冖 冂 几 凵 匚 勹 囗 厂 广 疒 尸 罒 西 方 里 礻 示 卜 用 歹 尢

1. 【户】  ✏️ door | house 📢 /hù/
户字头 hùzìtóu
户 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depicts a single leaf door.

2. 【门】  ✏️ door | gate 📢 /mén/
门字框 ménzìkuàng
门 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depicts a double leaf door.

3. 【穴】  ✏️ cave | den | hole 📢 /xué/
穴宝盖 | 穴字头 xuébǎogài | xuézìtóu
穴 is a pictograph character. Its original script resembles a cave where the ancients lived.

4. 【宀】  ✏️ roof | residence | house 📢 /mián/
宝盖头 bǎogàitóu
宀 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depicts a house with a roof, representing a simple house in ancient times.

5. 【冖】  ✏️ cloth cover 📢 /mì/
秃宝盖 tūbǎogài
In ancient times, 冖 was the same as the character 幂(mì) which means "cloth cover".

6. 【冂】  ✏️ wide | range | a place far away from the city 📢 /jiōng/
同字框 tóngzìkuàng
冂 is a pictograph character. Its original script represents an area outside the city, meaning a place far away from the city.

7. 【几】  ✏️ small table 📢 /jī/
几字头 | 几字底 jīzìtóu | jīzìdǐ
几 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script resembles a small wooden table.

8. 【凵】  ✏️ pit | concave 📢 /kǎn/
凶字框 | 下三框 xiōngzìkuàng | xiàsānkuāng
凵 is a pictograph character which depicts a pit, a large hole in the ground. In ancient times, 凵 was the same as 坎 (kǎn), which means "pit; sunken".

9. 【匚】  ✏️ box | utensil | hiding 📢 /fāng/
左方框 zuǒfāngkuàng
匚 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script resembles an ancient square utensil used for holding things. 匚 and 匸(xì hiding enclosure) were unified as the radical 匚.

10. 【勹】  ✏️ wrap 📢 /bāo/
包字头 bāozìtóu
勹 is a pictograph character. In ancient times, 勹 was the same as 包 (bāo), meaning "wrap".

11. 【囗】  ✏️ fenced or walled enclosure 📢 /wéi/
围字框 | 大口框 wéizìkuàng | dàkǒukuàng
囗 is a pictograph character. Its original script resembles a fenced or walled enclosure. In ancient times, it was the same as the character 围 ("wéi" surround, enclose).

12. 【厂】  ✏️ cliff | house 📢 /hǎn/
厂字头 chǎngzìtóu
厂 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script resembles a cliff protruding outward, meaning "mountain cliff". 厂 is also the simplified form of 廠(chǎng) which means wall-less house.

13. 【广】  ✏️ house | broad | spacious 📢 /yǎn/
广字头 guǎngzìtóu
广 is a pictograph character. Its original script resembles a wall-less house by a cliff-side. Now 广 is also the simplified form of 廣(guǎng) which means spacious house.

14. 【疒】  ✏️ sickness 📢 /nè / jí/
病字头 bìngzìtóu
The oracle bone scrip of 疒 is a compound ideograph character, which resembles a sick person lying in bed. Its original meaning was serious illness. 疾 meant ailment (小病).

15. 【尸】  ✏️ body | house 📢 /shī/
尸字头 shīzìtóu
尸 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depicts a kneeling person. Chinese characters with the radical 尸 are often related to body. Several characters with this radical are related to house, such as: 层, 屋, 居, etc.

16. 【罒】  ✏️ net | snare 📢 /wǎng/
四字头 | 网字头 sìzìtóu | wǎngzìtóu
罒 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depict a net or snare (网 wǎng ). It is always placed on the upper part of a character.

17. 【西】  ✏️ cover | west 📢 /yà/
西字头 xīzìtóu
襾 is a pictograph character which resembles covering something. 西 is also a pictograph character, which depicts an ancient utensil. 襾 and 西(xī west) were unified as the radical 西. When used as a radical, 襾 is written as 覀.

18. 【方】  ✏️ side by side | square | flag 📢 /fāng/
方字旁 fāngzìpáng
The oracle bone script of 方 resembles two parallel boats. 㫃(yǎn) is a pictograph character which resembles a flying flag. Some Chinese characters have the component 㫃, such as: 旗, 族, 旋, 旅, etc. 㫃 and 方 were united as the radical 方.

19. 【里】  ✏️ village 📢 /lǐ/
里字旁 lǐzìpáng
里 is a compound ideograph character, meaning "the place where people live". The upper part of the character is 田, meaning "field"; and the lower part is 土, meaning "soil". In Simplified Chinese, 裏 or 裡 which mean "inside" is merged to 里.

20. 【礻】  ✏️ rite | ritual | ancestor | veneration 📢 /shì/
示字旁 shìzìpáng
礻 is originated from 示 (shì). 礻 is used as the left-side component in characters.

21. 【示】  ✏️ ritual | ancestor | veneration 📢 /shì/
示字底  shìzìdǐ
示 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depicts a simple altar made of two stones.

22. 【卜】  ✏️ divination 📢 /bǔ/
卜字旁 bǔzìpáng
卜 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone scrip resembles the cracks that appear on a burned tortoise shell. It was considered as an omen of divination.

23. 【用】  ✏️ use 📢 /yòng/
用字旁 yòngzìpáng
The oracle bone script of 用 resembles a tortoise shell having omen signs of divination on it.

24. 【歹】  ✏️ death | decay | vicious 📢 /dǎi/
歹字旁 dǎizìpáng
歹 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script resembles residual bones.

25. 【尢】  ✏️ lame 📢 /wāng/
尤字旁 yóuzìpáng
尢 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depicts a person walking with a limp.

Now, we have learned 25 Chinese radicals. A total of 269 HSK characters contain these 25 radicals. From these characters we can learn 1915 HSK words.

The radicals and other components together form an individual character. We can understand the internal structure of characters by the study of their radicals.