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HSK四级 连词和复句 Conjunctions & Complex Sentences (HSK 4) Part 2

⬅️四级语法(语法等级大纲 2021)

语法等级大纲 2021
  1. A. 并列复句:【四43】不是-而是 【四44】既-又/也
  2. A. 承接复句:【四45】首先-其次 【四46】于是
  3. A. 递进复句:【四47】甚至
  4. A. 选择复句:【四48】或者-或者
  5. A. 转折复句:【四49】然而
  6. A. 假设复句:【四50】否则 【四51】假如 【四52】万一
  7. A. 条件复句:【四53】不管-都/也 【四54】无论-都/也
  8. A. 因果复句:【四55】既然-就 【四56】可见
  9. A. 让步复句:【四57】哪怕-也/还
  10. A. 目的复句:【四58】好
  11. A. 紧缩复句:【四59】无标记 【四60】不……也

  1. 🎁 既……,又/也…… 【 HSK 四44】 Top
    既……又/也 is used to connect words, phrases or clauses in a Coordinate Complex Sentence (并列复句). The two parts are usually identical in structure. Both parts can be either affirmative or negative.

    1. 这家旅馆既舒适又方便。
    The hotel combines comfort with convenience.
    2. 他既表现了能力,又显示了决心。
    He displayed ability as well as determination.
    3. 他既不会读也不会写。
    He can neither read nor write.
    4. 他既没工作也没钱。
    He has neither job nor money.
    5. 这项运动既需要速度,也需要体力。
    This sport demands both speed and physical strength.
  2. 🎁 首先……,其次…… 【 HSK 四45】 Top
    首先……其次 is used in a Successive Complex Sentence (承接复句) to enumerate things or events. 首先 means "first of all; before anything else", and 其次 means "secondly; next".

    6. 足球首先是运动,其次才是市场。
    Football is a sport before being a market.
    7. 他的身份首先是商人,其次才是画家。
    His identity is first a businessman and second a painter.
    8. 首先介绍你自己,其次才是你的作品。
    Introduce yourself first, and your work second.
    9. 首先这辆车很贵,其次它的速度慢。
    Firstly this car is expensive, and secondly it's slow.
  3. 🎁 ……,于是…… 【 HSK 四46】 Top
    The conjunction 于是 is used in the second clause of a Successive Complex Sentence (承接复句). It indicates that the latter event follows the former event, and the latter one is often caused by the former one.

    10. 他没听懂,于是我又讲了一遍。
    He didn't understand, so I explained it again.
    11. 我们都累极了,于是就回了家。
    We were all exhausted, so we went home.
    12. 最近销售量下降,于是利润也减少了。
    Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.
    13. 警察来了,于是他就溜走了。
    The police arrived, so he slipped away.
  4. 🎁 或者……,或者……。 【 HSK 四48】 Top
    或者 A 或者 B is used to talk about different possibilities, choices or alternatives. It is used in an Alternative Complex Sentence (选择复句).

    14. 我或者给你发短信,或者打电话。
    I'll either send you a text message or give you a call.
    15. 她或者下周来,或者下下周来。
    She may come next week, or the week after.
    16. 你或者留下或者离开。
    You can either stay or leave.
    17. 你或者选我,或者谁也不选。
    You may either elect me, or elect no one.
  5. 🎁 ……,然而…… 【 HSK 四49】 Top
    The conjunction 然而 is used to connect clauses in a Transition Complex Sentence (转折复句). It emphasizes the point of the second clause. Its meaning and usage are similar to the conjunction 但是.

    18. 他想发财,然而这只是梦想。
    He wanted to be rich, but it was just a dream.
    19. 他有份好工作,然而他却总缺钱。
    He has a good job, but he is always short of money.
    20. 他说他会来, 然而一直没有来。
    He said he would come, but he never came.
    21. 他正在寻求合作者,然而根本找不到。
    He was looking for a collaborator, but couldn't find one.
  6. 🎁 ……,否则…… 【 HSK 四50】 Top
    The conjunction 否则 is used to connect clauses in a Hypothetical Complex Sentence (假设复句), meaning "if not, then". The clause following 否则 is the inference drawn from the previous clause, or it provides an alternative.

    22. 别说我活该,否则我就揍你。
    Don't say I deserve it, or I'll beat you up.
    23. 你最好快点儿,否则就赶不上火车了。
    You'd better hurry or you'll miss the train.
    24. 你要谦虚,否则会落后。
    Be modest, otherwise you will lag behind.
    25. 她必须进行手术,否则会死的。
    She had to have the operation, or she would die.
    26. 这门你得用力推,否则关不上。
    You have to push the door hard or it won't close.
  7. 🎁 不管……,都/也…… 【 HSK 四53】 Top
    "不管……都/也" is used in a Conditional Complex Sentence (条件复句), meaning the result or conclusion won't change under any circumstances. An affirmative-negative form can be used after 不管.

    27. 不管你愿不愿意,我都要走了。
    I'm leaving whether you like it or not.
    28. 不管你喜不喜欢,都应该答复他。
    You should answer him, whether you like it or not.
    29. 不管怎么样,你也要去上学。
    No matter what, you have to go to school.
    30. 不管你是谁,也不能这样做。
    You can't do that no matter who you are.
  8. 🎁 无论……,都/也…… 【 HSK 四54】 Top
    "无论……,都/也" is used in a Conditional Complex Sentence (条件复句), with 无论 introducing the condition and 都/也 followed by the result. 无论如何 means "anyway; anyhow".

    31. 无论他多努力,也完不成计划。
    No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't accomplish the plan.
    32. 无论发生什么,我都会支持你。
    Whatever happens, I'll stand by you.
    33. 无论你怎么决定,对我来说都行。
    Whatever you decide, it's okay by me.
    34. 无论你喜欢哪种音乐,你都可以听。
    No matter what kind of music you like, you can listen to it.
    35. 无论如何,这不关我的事。
    Anyhow, it's none of my business.
  9. 🎁 哪怕……,也……。 【 HSK 四57】 Top
    "哪怕……也" is used in a Concession Complex Sentence (让步复句). 哪怕 introduces a hypothetical situation that has not yet happened. The clause following 也 expresses that the conclusion or result will not change.

    36. 哪怕走遍天涯海角,我也要找到她。
    I'd go to the ends of the earth to find her.
    37. 哪怕只休息五分钟,也很有帮助。
    Even a five-minute break will help.
    38. 哪怕你向她道歉,她也会生气。
    She would get angry even if you apologize to her.
    39. 哪怕是恶劣的天气,也阻止不了他。
    Not even bad weather could deter him.
  10. 🎁 ……,好………。 【 HSK 四58】 Top
    好 can be used as a conjunction in a Purpose Complex Sentence (目的复句). It introduces the second clause to express the purpose. The first clause explains the action taken for this purpose.

    40. 把它放这儿,好让大家看见。
    Put it here so everyone can see it.
    41. 他大声说话,好让我能听到。
    He spoke loudly so that I could hear.
    42. 我打开灯,好让她看清楚。
    I turned on the light so that she could see clearly.
    43. 他停了一下,好让人理解他的观点。
    He paused to get his point across.
    44. 我去了公司,好帮她处理这件事。
    I went to the office to help her with this issue.
    45. 你早点儿回家,好叫我放心。
    You go home early so that I can rest assured.
  11. 🎁 不……也…… 【 HSK 四60】 Top
    "不……也" can be used in a Compressed Complex Sentence (紧缩复句) to express the concessive and hypothetical relationships between clauses.

    46. 他不休息也要玩游戏。
    He plays games, even if he has no time to rest.
    47. 我不睡觉也要把论文写完。
    I will finish my thesis, even if I have to stay up all night.
    48. 我不喜欢也要做好这件事。
    Even if I don't like it, I will still do it well.
    49. 你不想吃也得吃完。
    You have to finish eating it even if you don't like it.
  12. 🎁 Unmarked Compressed Complex Sentences 【 HSK 四59】 Top
    In a Compressed Complex Sentence (紧缩复句), no pause (comma) is added between clauses. Unmarked compressed complex sentences do not even have the set of conjunctions or adverbs to express the relationships between clauses.

    50. 出了问题我负责。
    If something goes wrong, I will take responsibility.
    51. 下雨我们也要去。
    We will go even if it rains.
    52. 你不怕我怕。
    You're not afraid of it, but I'm.
    53. 你有事你先走。
    If you have work to do, you can go first.
    54. 他不学汉语你得学。
    He doesn't learn Chinese, but you have to learn.