每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

No.1 大青树下的小学 Primary School Under the Big Green Tree [ 三年级 第一课 ]

⬅️ 三年级语文 上册





------ 识字|写字 ------
bà 坝 dam
dú 读 read
yàn 艳 bright
fú 服 clothes
zhuāng 装 dress
fèng 凤 phoenix
chén 晨 morning
róng 绒 velvet | woolen
qiú 球 ball
hàn 汉 Chinese | name of a dynasty
jié 洁 clean
bàn 扮 dress up
yáng 扬 raise
shuāi 摔 fall down | lose one's balance
jiāo 跤 wrestle
jìng 静 calm | quiet
tíng 停 to stop | to park | to stay
cū 粗 thick | rough
yǐng 影 shadow | image

------ 词 ------
zǎochén 早晨 morning | (early) morning
píngbà 坪坝 level ground
chuāndài 穿戴 apparel | dress
xiānyàn 鲜艳 bright
fúzhuāng 服装 clothing | dress
dǎban 打扮 dress up | make up
xuànlì duōcǎi 绚丽多彩 colorful
xiàoyuán 校园 campus | school yard
jìngài 敬爱 respect and love
piāoyáng 飘扬 flying | blowing
guóqí 国旗 national flag | flag
jìnglǐ 敬礼 salute
tóngzhōng 铜钟 bronze bell
lǎngdú 朗读 read aloud
ānjìng 安静 quiet
húdié 蝴蝶 butterfly
zhèxie 这些 these
hàoqí 好奇 be curious | be full of curiosity
kǒngquè 孔雀 peacock
shuāijiāo 摔跤 wrestling
zhāoyǐn 招引 attract
sōngshǔ 松鼠 squirrel
shānlí 山狸 wildcat
biānjiāng 边疆 frontier region | border area
gǔlǎo 古老 ancient | old
cūzhuàng 粗壮 thick and strong | sturdy
fèngwěi zhú 凤尾竹 fengwei bamboo
jiébái 洁白 white
fěnqiáng 粉墙 powder wall
mínzú 民族 ethnic group
hànzú 汉族 ethnic Han
dǎizú 傣族 Dai people
jǐngpō zú 景颇族 Jingpo people
āchāng zú 阿昌族 Achang people
dé'áng zú 德昂族 De'ang people
róngqiú huā 绒球花 pompon flower
tàiyáng huā 太阳花 sun flower | Portulaca grandiflora
yǐngzi 影子 shadow
hóuzi 猴子 monkey
shùzhī 树枝 branch | twig
zhīgàn 枝干 branches and trunk