每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

第十八课 古诗二首

⬅️ 二年级语文 上册

 夜宿 [唐] 李白

 敕勒歌 北朝民歌

宿 [sù] 夜宿山寺
寺 [sì] 夜宿山寺
危 [wēi] 危楼高百尺
敢 [gǎn] 不敢高声语,
辰 [chén] 星辰
恐 [kǒng] 恐惊天上人
惊 [jīng] 恐惊天上人
阴 [yīn] 阴山
似 [sì] 天似穹庐
庐 [lú] 穹庐
野 [yě] 四野 野茫茫
笼 [lǒng] 笼盖
盖 [gài] 笼盖
苍 [cāng] 天苍苍
茫 [máng] 野茫茫

山寺 [shānsì] mountain temple
李白 [Lǐ Bái] Li Bai (701-762) a poet of the Tang dynasty
危楼 [wēilóu] high tower
百尺 [bǎi chǐ] a hundred feet
摘 [zhāi] take | pick
星辰 [xīngchén] stars
不敢 [bùgǎn] dare not
高声语 [gāoshēng yǔ] speak loudly
天上人 [tiānshàng rén] God in heaven
北朝 [běicháo] the Northern Dynasties (439—581)
民歌 [míngē] folk song
敕勒川 [chì lè chuān] The level land of the 敕勒 people, part of present-day Gansu and Inner Mongolia.
阴山 [yīnshān] the Yinshan Mountains
穹庐 [qiónglú] the Mongolian felt tents with rounded tops
笼盖 [lǒnggài] envelop | cover
四野 [sìyě] the surrounding country | a vast expanse of open ground
牛羊 [niúyáng] cattles and sheeps
苍苍 [cāngcāng] dark blue
茫茫 [mángmáng] boundless | vast and obscure