HSK Level 2 >> Vocabulary

1. (Gēge)哥哥[Elder brother], (Dìdi)弟弟[Younger brother], (Jiějie)姐姐[Elder sister], (Mèimei)妹妹[Younger sister], (Nǚ)女[Woman; female], (Nán)男[Man; male], (Qīzi)妻子[Wife], (Zhàngfu)丈夫[Husband];
2. (Qùnián)去年[Last year], (Shíjiān)时间[Time], (Shēngrì)生日[Birthday], (Xiǎoshí)小时[Hour], (Zǎoshang)早上[Morning], (Wǎnshang)晚上[Evening], (Kāishǐ)开始[Beginning];
3. (Piào)票[Ticket], (Chuán)船[Boat; ship], (Lù)路[Road], (Jīchǎng)机场[Airport], (Gōnggòngqìchē)公共汽车[Bus], (Xuě)雪[Snow];
4. Yú)鱼[Fish], (Yángròu)羊肉[Mutton], (Miàntiáo)面条[Noodle], (Jīdàn)鸡蛋[Egg], (Xīguā)西瓜[Watermelon], (Niúnǎi)牛奶[Milk], (Kāfēi)咖啡[Coffee];
5. (Háizi)孩子[Son or daughter], (Xìng)姓[Surname], (Kè)课[Lesson], (Qiānbǐ)铅笔[Pencil], (Jiàoshì)教室[Classroom], (Kǎoshì)考试[Examination;take a test], (Tí)题[Questions;problems (in a test or a quiz)], (Wèntí)问题[Question; problem];
6. (Shēntǐ)身体[Body (of a human or animal)], (Yǎnjing)眼睛[Eye], (Yánsè)颜色[Color], (Yào)药[Medicine], (Bàozhǐ)报纸[Newspaper], (Shǒubiǎo)手表[Wrist watch; watch], (Shǒujī)手机[Mobile phone];
7. (Zuǒbian)左边[Left; left side], (Yòubian)右边[Right; right side], (Pángbiān)旁边[Side; by the side of; nearby], (Wài)外[Outer; outside], (Mén)门[Door; exits and entrances; doorways], (Fángjiān)房间[Room], (Bīnguǎn)宾馆[Hotel];
8. (Fúwùyuán)服务员[Attendant; waiter; waitress], (Gōngsī)公司[Company; firm], (Jièshào)介绍[An introduction], (Shìqing)事情[Matter; business; circumstance; event; affair; incident; occurrence], (Yìsi)意思[Meaning; content; indication; hint], (Xīwàng)希望[Hope; wish], (Zhǔnbèi)准备[Preparation; arrangement];
9. (Yùndòng)运动[Take exercise], (Lǚyóu)旅游[Travel], (Yóuyǒng)游泳[Swim], (Pǎobù)跑步[Run; jog], (Dǎ lánqiú)打篮球[Play basketball], (Tī zúqiú)踢足球[Play soccer], (Tiàowǔ)跳舞[Dance], (Chànggē)唱歌[Sing];
10. (Shuōhuà)说话[Speak, talk, say], (Gàosu)告诉[Tell], (Juéde)觉得[Feel; think], (Xīwàng)希望[Hope; wish; want; be desirous of], (Jièshào)介绍[Introduce sb. or sth.], (Zhīdào)知道[Know; be aware of], (Kǎoshì)考试[Take a test;examination ];
11. (Bāngzhù)帮助[Help; assist; aid; support], (Kāishǐ)开始[Start; begin], (Zhǔnbèi)准备[Be going to; intend; plan; prepare], (Xiūxi)休息[Relax; have a rest; take a break], (Qǐchuáng)起床[Get up;rise (from bed)], (Shàngbān)上班[Go to work; start work], (Shēngbìng)生病[Fall sick;fall ill; get ill; be taken ill];
12. (Wán)完[Indicating finished; be used up; run out], (Dào)到[Arrive; reach], (Zǒu)走[Walk; go on foot], (Sòng)送[Give sb. sth. as a gift], (Yào)要[Request; ask sb. to do sth.], (Gěi)给[Give;hand over], (Ràng)让[Let; allow; make; ask], (Chū)出[Exit; go out], (Jìn)进[Enter];
13. (Chuān)穿[Wear; put on], (Xǐ)洗[Wash], (Zhǎo)找[Seek; look for], (Wán)玩[Play], (Mài)卖[Sell], (Wèn)问[Ask; inquire after], (Dǒng)懂[Understand], (Máng)忙[Be busy doing sth.], (Děng)等[Wait], (Xiào)笑[Laugh; smile];
14. (Hǎochī)好吃[Delicious], (Kuàilè)快乐[Happy; joyful; cheerful; glad], (Gāo)高[Tall; high], (Cháng)长[Long], (Xīn)新[New; up-to-date], (Piányi)便宜[Cheap; inexpensive], (Guì)贵[Expensive; costly], (Duì)对[Right; correct], (Cuò)错[Wrong; incorrect], (Kěyǐ)可以[Not bad; passable; pretty good];
15. (Kuài)快[Fast], (Màn)慢[Slow], (Yuǎn)远[Far], (Jìn)近[Close; near], (Qíng)晴[Fine; clear], (Yīn)阴[Cloudy; overcast], (Bái)白[White], (Hóng)红[Red], (Hēi)黑[Black; dark], (Lèi)累[Tired; fatigued], (Máng)忙[Busy];
16. (Bié)别[Don't], (Hái)还[Still; yet], (Yě)也[Also; too; as well; either], (Zài)再[Again], (Zhēn)真[Indeed; really], (Zuì)最[The most];
17. (Fēicháng)非常[Very], (Yìqǐ)一起[Together], (Yǐjīng)已经[Already; yet], (Zhèngzài)正在[Be + verb + ing; in the process of; in the course of; in the middle of; in the act of], (Jiù)就[Indicating certainty; right on], (Kuài)快[Be going to; will; shall];
18. (Kěyǐ)可以[Can; may], (Kěnéng)可能[May; can], (Yào)要[Hope; want; wish], (Suīrán-dànshì-)虽然-但是-[Though;but; however], (Yīnwèi-suǒyǐ-)因为-所以-[On account of; because of];
19. (Gěi)给[For], (Lí)离[Away from], (Duì)对[To; towards], (Wǎng)往[To; toward], (Cóng)从[From; since], (Bǐ)比[Used to make comparison];
20. (Mén)门[Used for curriculum in school], (Jiàn)件[Used for clothes and things], (Lù)路[Used to indicate a bus route], (Gōngjīn)公斤[Kilogram], (Cì)次[Number of times], (Zhāng)张[Used for paper, bed, table,face, etc.];
21. (Qiān)千[Thousand], (Bǎi)百[One hundred], (Liǎng)两[Two], (Dì-yī)第一[First], (Yíxià)一下[Once; in a short while];
22. (Guo)过[(referring to sth. that happened previously)], (De)得[Marker of complement], (Ba)吧[To express speculative interrogation], (Zhe)着[(indicating that the action starts and continues)], (Wèi shénme)为什么[Why];