读故事 学汉语 Chinese Short Stories
11.仓颉造字 | 10.守株待兔 | |
9.滥竽充数 | 8.凶狗与美酒 | 7.自相矛盾 |
6.郑人买履 | 5.孔子与捕鸟人 | 4.鹬蚌相争 渔翁得利 |
3.河伯的新娘 | 2.亡羊补牢 | 1.扁鹊见蔡桓公 |
Stories (论语人物)
Reading Comprehensions: Stories of People in the Analects
【HSK 5】 Reading Comprehension
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Reading Comprehension (Part 2) 阅读理解 + 🎥 15 Videos
【HSK 4】 Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension 阅读理解 + 56 Cards
【HSK 4】Reading Comprehensions 1 阅读理解 1 + 96 Cards
【HSK 4】Reading Comprehensions 2 阅读理解 + 18 Cards