每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

HSK Grammar

一、语素 Morpheme - 汉字 Characters

  • 部首 Radicals  🔗 
    1. dāo knife 立刀旁 [到dào 得到  顺利 bié 别的 ]
    2. shuǐ water 三点水 [ 没méi/mò 没关系 淹没hǎi 大海huó 活动 ]
    3. rén person | people  单人旁 [他 他们 men 你们 zuò 工作 ]
    4. …… 🔗 120 常用部首及例字
  • 部件 Components / 声旁 Phonetic Components  🔗 
    1. mìnglìng hánlěng líng dàilǐng línjūniánlíng língshēnglínglìkělián línglóngshānlǐng līn
    2. jiāotōngjiāoqūjiāoshuǐbǐjiào jiǎohuájiǎozijiǎojìnnǎozhī尽脑汁 shuāijiāo xuéxiào yǒuxiào yǎo
    3. shūbāo hóngpáo bīngbáo shuāngbāotāibǎo yōngbào páo pǎo biānpào qìpào
    4. dà qīng shùqīngshuǐqǐng shìqíng qīngtíngqíngtiānyǎnjīng wèijīng ānjìng cāixiǎng
    5. …… 🔗 74 个部件/声旁卡片

二、词类 Parts of Speech

  1. 名词 Noun
  2. 代词 Pronoun
  3. 形容词 Adjective
  4. 动词 Verb
    • 动词:表示动作、行为、心理活动及发展变化等情况的词。
      【🔗 语法功能 Grammatical Functions
    • 能愿动词/助动词 Modal Verb
      • 能愿动词:又称“助动词”。表示行为或状况的可能、必要或意愿的动词。
  5. 副词 Adverb
    • 副词:表示程度、范围、时间、频率等,主要作状语的词。
      【🔗 语法功能 Grammatical Functions
  6. 介词 Preposition
    • 介词:用在实词性成分前面组成介词短语,标引出行为动作的对象、时间、处所、方式、原因、目的等的词。
      【🔗 语法功能 Grammatical Functions
  7. 数词 Numeral
    • 数词:表示数目或次序的词。
  8. 量词 Measure Word
    • 量词:表示事物或动作计算单位的词。
  9. 连词 Conjunction
    • 连词:用于连接词、短语、分句或句子的词。
  10. 助词 Particle
    • 助词:附加在词或短语上,表示某种语法意义的词。
  11. 语气词 Mood Particle
    • 语气词:表示陈述、疑问、祈使或感叹等语气的词。
  12. 叹词 Interjetion
    • 叹词:表示感叹、呼唤或应答的词。
  13. 拟声词/象声词 Onomatopoeia
    • 象声词:模拟声音的词。
  14. 区别词 non-predicative adjective
    • 区别词:又称“非谓形容词”。表示事物的属性,有区别分类作用的词。
    • 不能充当谓语;
    • 不能前加“不”或“很”;
    • 只能作名词的定语,或跟结构助词“的”形成“的字短语”。

三、句法 Syntax 1 - 句法成分 Syntactic Constituent

  1. 主语 Subject
    • 句法成分之一。主语 Subject 通常由体词性成分充当,也可以由谓词性成分充当。通常位于谓语的前边,是谓语陈述的对象。
    • 例如:我看见他了。学汉语要持之以恒。
  2. 述语 Predicative
    • 述语 Predicative: 可以指述宾短语的组成成分,由动词性成分充当,在述宾短语的前部,例如:吃饭;
    • 也可以指述补短语的组成成分,由动词或形容词性成分充当,在述补短语的前部,例如:吃完、好极了。
    • 简单的说,就是谓语和述语不是一个层次的概念,谓语是包括述语的。有的谓语里可以划分述宾结构,述语在前,宾语在后,述语表示动作,宾语表示动作关涉的对象。
      例如: “我们赞成这个决定”先划分主谓:主语→我们,谓语→赞成这个决定。再划分述宾:述语→赞成,宾语→这个决定。
  3. 谓语 Predicate
    • 与主语相对。句法成分之一。通常由谓词性成分充当,少数情况下也可由体词性成分充当。 通常位于主语的后边,是对主语作出的陈述。
    • 例如,花开了;今天星期天
    • 体词 Substantive 与谓词相对。指主要充当主语、宾语,一般不充当谓语的词。名词/数词/一部分代词等属于体词。
    • 谓词 Predicative 与体词相对。指主要充当谓语的词。动词/形容词等属于谓词。
  4. 宾语 Object
    • 宾语 Object: 是述宾短语的组成成分,通常由体词性成分充当,位于述宾短语的后部。
    • 例如:看电视;反对说空话;希望你回来。
    • 双宾语 Double Objects: 宾语的一种。述宾短语里的某些动词可以同时带两个宾语,即直接宾语(远宾语)和间接宾语(近宾语)。例如:给她一本书。叫他老王。
  5. 定语 Attribute
    • 定语 Attributive: 是体词性偏正短语中的修饰语,位于中心语之前。一般可分为描写性的和限定性的,从领属、性质、状态、数量、材料、用途等多方面修饰、限制、说明中心语。
    • 例如:(我的)衣服;(新)书包;(高高的)个子;(三本)书;(木头)房子;(写字的)桌子。
  6. 状语 Adverbial
    • 状语 Adverbial:是谓词性偏正短语中的修饰语,位于中心语之前。
    • 例如,[慢慢地]走;[很]好;[经常]去;[不]去;[都]去;[1981年]出生。
  7. 补语 Complements
    1. 结果补语 Resultative Complements
      • In Chinese, a verb can be followed by an adjective or another verb to indicate the result of an action. The adjective or the second verb is called a resultative complement.
    2. 趋向补语 Directional Complements
      • The simplest directional complements are formed from direction verbs and either 来 or 去 to indicate motion toward or away from the speaker. There are six basic direction verbs: 上, 下, 进, 出, 回, and 过. Any action verb that involves directional movement may become a compound directional complement.
    3. 状态补语 State Complements
      • A state complement is usually placed after a verb or an adjective, with the structural particle 得.
    4. 可能补语 Potential Complements
      • Potential Complements are formed by inserting 得 or 不 between a verb and a resultative complement.
    5. 程度补语 Degree Complements
      • 程度补语从意义上来说是表示程度的,在形式上有用“得”连接的和不用“得”连接的那种。
    6. 介词短语补语 Prepositional Complements
      • 由介词“于”、“向”、“自”组成的介词短语可以用在动词或形容词后作补语,叫介词短语补语,多用于书面语。
    7. 数量补语 Quantitive Complements
      • 在动词后表示有关动作、变化的数量的成分叫数量补语。

四、句法 Syntax 2 - 句类 Sentence Mode Types

  1. 陈述句 Declarative Sentences
    • 陈述句:用来叙述或说明情况、带有陈述语调的句子。
      例如:女生占学生人数的56%。 Women make up 56% of the student numbers.
      许多国家在学校开设汉语课程。 Many countries set up Chinese courses in their schools.
  2. 疑问句 Interrogative Sentences
    • 是非问句 Yes-No Questions
      例如:你会说英语吗? Do you speak English?
      你过去常见她吧? You used to see a lot of her, didn't you?
    • 反复问句/正反问句 A-not-A Questions
      例如:你去看看孩子们在干什么好不好? Go and see what the kids are doing, will you?
      我星期一开始行不行? Can I start on Monday?
    • 特指问句 Specific Questions
      例如: 我们在哪儿上公共汽车? Where do we get on the bus?
      这块表是谁的? Who does this watch belong to?
    • 选择问句 Alternative Questions
      例如: 你的姐妹比你大还是小? Is your sister older or younger than you?
      “喝茶还是喝咖啡?” 约翰问。 "Tea or coffee?" John asked.
  3. 感叹句 Exclamatory Sentences
    • 感叹句:用来表示强烈感情、带有感叹语气的句子。
  4. 祈使句 Imperative Sentences
    • 祈使句:要求、命令、禁止或建议、请求对方做某事或不做某事的句子。
  5. 表达强调 Expressing Emphasis:
    • 是……(的) Construction
    • Using Rhetorical Questions 用反问句表示强调
      例如:今天不是星期天吗? 他这么有名,谁不知道啊? 难道今天没有考试吗? 这么简单的事我又何必一件事分两次做呢? 我对谁都没用讲,何苦事先就让他们伤心呢?
    • Using Double-Negative Sentences
    • 用“一点儿也不……”表示强调:中文一点儿也不简单。
    • 用双重否定表示强调:没有孩子不喜欢玩儿。老师不会不答应我们的请求。
    • 用“再也不/没”表示强调:我再也没见过他。
    • 用副词“可”表示强调:你可来了,急死我了!
    • 用“怎么都/也 + 不/没”表示强调:他的话我怎么都听不懂。
    • 用“非……不可”表示强调:不管天气怎么样,我们非去不可。
  6. 表达比较 Expressing Comparison:
    • Expressing Difference:
    • Expressing Similarity:
      例如:他的想法跟我相同。我的爱好和你的一样。哥哥和弟弟长得不一样。 跟上次考试相比,这次没有那么难。跟别人相比,我的想法太简单了。
    • Using Double-Negative Sentences
    • A + 形容词 + B + 数量补语

五、句法 Syntax 3 - 单句 Simple Sentences

    A.主谓句 Subject-Predicate Sentences
  1. 名词谓语句 Nominal-Predicate Sentences
    • A nominal predicate sentences has a noun phrase as the main predicate of the sentence. The basic structure is: Subject + Nominal Predicate.
  2. 动词谓语句 Verb-Predicate Sentences
    • There are 3 basic structures of Verbal Predicate Sentences, including:
    • A. Subject + Verbal Predicate + Object [主谓宾结构],例如:她昨天去北京了。
    • B. Subject + Verbal predicate,例如:你来。
    • C. subject + Verbal predicate + Indirect object + Direct object,例如:我送给她一朵花。
    • 判断句 Equational Sentences 是字句 是-Sentences
      • A 是-sentence uses the verb 是 as the predicate. Subject + 是 + Object,
    • 存现句 Existential Sentences
      • An existential sentence is one that indicates the existence, appearance of a thing or a person. At the beginning of such sentences, the time/place phrase must be used.
    • 存现句 Existential Sentences - 有字句 有-Sentences
      • A 有-sentence uses 有 as the predicate, indicating 'possession' or 'existence'. Subject + 有 + Object.
    • 把字句 把-Sentences
      • In a 把-sentence with a verbal predicate, the preposition 把 and its object act as the adverbial adjunct. Subject + [把+Receiver of the action] + [Verbal Predicate] + [Other Elements].
    • 被动句 Passive Voice Sentences 被字句 Bei-Constructions
      • In a passive voice sentence, passive preposition 被/让/叫/给 and its object act as an adverbial adjunct to modify the verbal predicate. It illustrates an action that is not done by the subject. Person or thing acted on + 被/让/叫/给 + the actor + verb + Other Elements.
    • 比字句 比-Sentences
      • A 比 B + Adjective is the basic expression for comparison in 比-Sentences. In Chinese, adjectives do not have comparative and superlative form.
      • A比B + (Adv.) Adj./Verb + (Numeral-Measure Word + Noun)
      • Negative Forms, 例如:今天没有比昨天热。纽约的天气不如加州的好。
      • If a verb has an object, the verb should be reduplicated.
      • The A比B structure can be used adverbially. In this case, it can be added between the subject and the adjective or verb.他在学校比在家里高兴多了。
    • 连谓句 Serial Verb Constructions
      • A sentence with verbal constructions in sequence is one in which the subject has 2 or more verbal phrases as predicates.
    • 兼语句 Pivotal Constructions
      • A pivotal sentence has 2 predicates, while the object of the first predicate is at the same time the subject of the second. The element that is used as the object of the first predicate and the subject of the 2nd is called the pivot.
    • 双宾句 Double-Object Constructions
      • Double Object Sentence is a sentence with both direct and indirect objects. Subject + Verbal predicate + Indirect object + Direct object.
  3. 形容词谓语句 Adjective-Predicate Sentences
    • An adjectival predicate sentence has an adjective as the predicate to describe the character of a person or a thing. Subject + Adjectival predicate.
  4. 主谓谓语句 Claual-Predicate Sentences
    • There is a unique sentence in Chinese named subject-predicate predicate sentences. Subject + Subject-Predicate Structure.
    B.非主谓句 Non-Subject-Predicate Sentences
  1. 独词句 One-Word Sentences
    • 例如:下课!放学!糟糕!停!
      “我能坐这儿吗?当然。” “你还记得她吗?记得。
  2. 名词非主谓句 Nominal Non-subject-predicate Sentences
    • The sentence composed of a single word/phrase other than the subject-predicate structure is called a non-subject-predicate sentence. Nominal non-subject-predicate sentence includes:
    • (l)nouns (证件!)
    • (2)attribute-head word(多好的孩子!)
    • (3)joint phrase (老张和老李。)
    • (4)的 structure (卖菜的。)
  3. 形容词非主谓句 Adjectival Non-subject-predicate Sentences
      Adjectival non-subject-predicate sentences include:
    • (1)adjective (好!)
    • (2)adjective-complement phrase (好极了!)
  4. 动词非主谓句 Verbal Non-subject-predicate Sentences
      Verbal non-subject-predicate sentences include:
    • (l) verb (听!);
    • (2)verb-object phrase (到点了。)
    • (3)verb-complement phrase (吃完!)
    • (4)pivotal structure (祝你健康!)
    • (5)verbal constructions in sequence (开窗户通风。)
  5. 特殊非主谓句 Special Non-subject Predicate sentences
      Special non-subject predicate sentences include:
    • (l)副词 adverb (不!)
    • (2)叹词 interjection (哎哟!)
    • (3)象声词 onomatopoeia (砰!)
    • (4)代词 pronoun (什么?)

六、句法 Syntax 4 复句 Complex Sentences

    A.联合复句 Coordinate Complex Sentences
  1. 并列复句 Coordinate Complex Sentences
      In a coordinate complex sentence, every clause describes different aspects of the subject. (一边……,一边……。……,也……。(也)……,也……。一会儿……,一会儿……。一方面……,另一方面……。又……又……。不是……,而是……。既……,又/也……。时而……,时而……。一时……一时……。一面……,一面……。)
    • 她一边干活一边大声歌唱。 She sang loudly as she worked.
    • 一方面,他们想要孩子,另一方面,他们又不想放弃自由自在的生活。 On the one hand they'd love to have kids, on the other hand, they don't want to give up their free life.
    • 她一面喝着咖啡,一面看着报纸。 She was drinking coffee while reading the newspaper.
    • 有人既无房屋,又无工作,又无家庭。 There are people without homes, jobs or family.
    • 现在社会的情形不是看你知道什么,而是看你认识谁。 The current situation in society depends not on what you know, but on who you know.
  2. 承接复句 Successive Complex Sentences
      In a successive complex sentence, consecutive clauses describe things happen or come one after the other. (先……,再/然后……。首先……,然后……。首先……,其次……。……,于是……。……便……。……,此后……。起初……,……才……。)
    • 鞋子要先穿上试一试再买。 Try the shoes on before you buy them.
    • 首先,我们去购物,然后看电影。 First, we go to shopping and then watch the movie.
    • 首先是价格贵,其次,速度太慢。 Firstly, it's expensive, and secondly, it's too slow.
    • 她的健康状况急剧恶化,此后她再未离开过家。 Her health declined rapidly and she has not left home since.
  3. 递进复句 Progressive Complex Sentences
      In progressive complex sentence, the second clause aggravates or expands the meaning of the first. ……,更/还……。不但……,而且……。……,并且……。不仅/不光……,还/而且……。……,甚至……。连……也/都……,……更……。不是……,还/还是……。不但不/不但没有……,反而……。别说……,连……也/都……;连……也/都……,别说……;别说……,即使……也……;即使……也……,别说……。 ……,何况……。……,进而……。……,况且……。连……,更不用说……。……,乃至……。……,且……。……,甚至于……。
    • 他不但读了这本书,而且记得所读的内容。 He not only read the book, but also remembered what he had read.
    • 他们之间相互怀疑甚至极度仇恨。 There was suspicion and even downright hatred between them.
    • 在街上,甚至连一只狗也看不见。 In the streets, not even a dog could be seen.
    • 这样的天气连慢慢散步都太热。 It was too hot even for a gentle stroll.
    • 很多人不但没有因苦难而成长,反而变得苦毒。 Many people become bitter, rather than better, and never grow up.
  4. 选择复句 Alternative Complex Sentences
      In alternative complex sentence, every clause illustrates different elements and offers the possibility of selection. 是……,还是……。不是……,就是……。或者……,或者……。或是……,或是……。要么……,要么……。或……,或……。宁可/宁愿……,也……。与其……,不如……。与其……,宁可/宁愿……。
    • 他是放弃了,还是在继续努力? Did he give up or keep on trying?
    • 那些包裹或被检查,或被移走。 Those packages were either inspected or removed.
    • 要么你和他谈,要么我来。 Either you can talk to him, or I will.
    • 在自然数的集合里,每个数字不是奇数就是偶数。 In the set of natural numbers, every number is either odd or even.
  5. 解说复句 Explanation Complex Sentences
      In explanation complex sentence, the subordinate clauses describe the details or explains the subject of the main clause. ……,也就是说……。
    • 那就意味着投反对票,也就是说,行使否决权。 That would mean voting no, that is to say, using the veto.
    • 他们请他走人,也就是说,他被解雇了。 They asked him to leave—in other words he was fired.
    B.偏正复句 Subordinate Complex Sentences
  1. 条件复句 Conditional Complex Sentences
      In conditional complex sentence, the subordinate clause states the condition and the main clause expresses the result which depends on that condition. 只有……,才……。不管……,都/也……。无论……,都/也……。除非……,才……。除非……,否则/不然……。凡是……,都……。别管……,都……。任……,也……。
      IN A CONDITIONAL RELATIONSHIP只要……,就……。(假设) 一……,就……。
    • 在足球比赛中,只有守门员才可用手接球。 In soccer, only goalkeepers may use their hands to play the ball.
    • 不管她怎么用力推门,门都打不开。 The door wouldn't open, no matter how hard she pushed.
    • 除非你真的打算去,否则千万不要接受邀请。 You should never accept an invitation unless you really plan to go.
    • 别管是谁,一律按原则办事。 No matter who it is, we'll act according to principle.
  2. 假设复句 Hypothetical Complex Sentences
      In hypothetical complex sentence, the subordinate clause propose a hypothesis and the main clause explains the effect of that hypothesis. 如果……,就……。……的话,就……。只要……,就……。要是……,就……。……,否则……。假如……,(就)……。万一……,(就)……。一旦……,就……。要是……,(就)……,否则……。……,要不然/不然……。倘若/若……,……。倘若/假设/假使/若……,就/那(么)……。幸亏……,要不然/不然/要不/否则……。 IN A HYPOTHETICAL RELATIONSHIP 即使……,也……(让步,递进)
    • 如果你没有钱,你就无能为力。 If you don't have money, you're powerless.
    • 要是下雨的话,我们就肯定湿透了。 If it rains, we'll be definitely soaked.
    • 万一你需要帮助的话,这是我的电话号码。 In case you should need any help, here's my number.
    • 假如我是你的话,我会再等一会儿。 I should wait a little longer, if I were you.
  3. 目的复句 Purposive Complex Sentences
      In purposive complex sentence, the subordinate clause states the purpose, and the main clause explains the action taken for this purpose. 为了……,……。 ……,好……。……,为的是……。……,以便……。……,以……。……,以免/免得……。
    • 我们站起身来以便看得更清楚。 We stood up in order to get a better view.
    • 他们早起,为的是看日出。 They got up early to watch the sun come up.
    • 我们低声交谈,以免别人听到。 We talked quietly so as not to be overheard.
  4. 因果复句 Causative Complex Sentences
      In causative complex sentence, the subordinate clause explains the reason, and the main clause shows the result. 因为……,所以……。(由于)……,所以/因此……。既然……,就……。……,可见……。……,因而……。因……,故……。鉴于……,……。由于……,以致……。……,以至于……。之所以……,是因为/是由于……。
      IN A CAUSATIVE RELATIONSHIP ……,于是……(承接) ……,那么…… ……,难免……
    • 警察来了,于是我们就溜走了。 The police arrived, so we scarpered.
    • 因为我害怕光,所以戴着一副太阳眼镜。 I wear a pair of sunglasses because I'm afraid of light.
    • 由于某种个人原因,我将不能出席。 For certain personal reasons I shall not be able to attend.
    • 她如此喜欢旅游,以至于旅游已经成为她生活的一部分。 She likes travelling so much it's become a way of life for her.
    • 发言者双手颤抖,可见他很紧张。 The shake of the speaker's hands betrayed his nervousness.
  5. 转折复句 Adversative Complex Sentences
      In adversative complex sentence, the first clause is the subordinate and the second is the main clause, and they express the opposite meanings to each other. 虽然……,但是/可是……。 ……,不过……。 ……X是X,就是/不过……。 ……,然而……。 尽管……,但是/可是……。 虽……,但/可/却/也……。 ……,而……(则)……。 ……,……倒/反倒……。 ……,其实……。 ADVERSATIVE RELATIONSHIP ……,反而……。(递进) 是……,而不是……。(并列) 不是……,而是……。(并列)
    • 那些灯虽然是假的,但是看起来像真的。 Those lights are fake, but look real.
    • 她想当演员,可是她父母不同意。 She wants to be an actress, but her parents disapprove.
    • 他们正在寻求资金,然而根本找不到。 They are seeking more funds but the cupboard is bare.
    • 他们吵过架,不过现在又和好了。 They had a quarrel, but they're friends again now.
    • 他以为我讨厌他,其实不是那么回事。 He thinks I dislike him but that just isn't so.
  6. 让步复句 Concessive Complex Sentences
      According to the information given in the concession clause, the things mentioned in the main clause are surprising and unexpected. 哪怕……,也/还……。即使……,也……。就算/就是……也……。固然……,也……。……固然……,但是/可是/不过……。即便……,也……。虽说……,但是/可是/不过……。纵然……,也……。
    • 即使在压力之下,他也从不感到沮丧。 He never gets ruffled , even under pressure.
    • 就算你对了,也不该那么说呀! Even if you are right, that's not the way to put it.
    • 哪怕你是一只驼鹿,你都可以买到快餐。 Even if you're a moose, you can get fast food.
    • 虽说可能有点蠢,但它毕竟是一件大事。 It might be a silly thing, but it's still a thing.
  7. 取舍复句 Preferential Complex Sentences
      In preferential complex sentence, two clauses put forward 2 different actions. The subject prefers one of them more than the other. The subordinate clause indicates rejecting, and the main clause indicates accepting. 例如:与其……,不如……。宁可/宁愿……,也不……。 IN A PREFERENTIAL RELATIONSHIP
    • 与其让别人猜,不如告诉他们真相。 Instead of letting people guess, tell them the truth.
    • 他宁可看一部无聊的电影,也不想独自坐着。 He would rather watch a boring movie than sit alone.
    • 我宁愿走路也不愿骑车。 I prefer walking to riding.
  1. 紧缩句 Compressive Complex Sentence
      无标记。一……,就……。……了……(就)……。不……也……。没有……就没有……。再……也……。不……不……。 Contracted Sentences 紧缩句 非……不……。越……越……。例如:
    • 我下了课就去图书馆。I am goning to the library after class.
    • 山上越高的地方植物越稀少。 Vegetation becomes sparse higher up the mountains.
    • 我一到家就给你打电话。 I'll call you as soon as I get home.
    • 空气中没有水气,就没有露水。 If it were not for the vapour in the air, there would be no dew.
    • 再小的突破也可能意义重大。 The smallest breakthrough can mean a great deal.
    • 作为一名工程师,你再小心也不为过。 As an engineer, you can't be careful.

七、句法 Syntax 5 口语格式/常用句型 Sentence Patterns

  • 口语格式/常用句型 Sentence Patterns  🔗 
    1. 今年暑假我有时间的话,我去台湾玩玩。
      ……的话,就…… (if... then...) is used in a conditional statement.
    2. 那件衣服,大就大点儿吧总比没有好。
      ……就……点儿吧,…… (even if...) is an adjective indicating that even though something has a flaw, there are more pros than cons.
    3. 钱花有什么可心疼的。
      ……了就……了 (what's done is done)
    4. 这儿有什么好,我们去那边吃小吃吧。
      有什么好……的,…… (what is there to ...) is a rhetorical expression indicating that there is nothing worthy of a certain action.
    5. …… 🔗 100 SENTENCE PATTERNS