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HSK 1 Vocabulary

HSK Level 1 >> Vocabulary [40 Flashcards]

  1. (Jiā)家[Home; family; household], (Xuéxiào)学校[School], (Huǒchēzhàn)火车站[Railway station], (Shāngdiàn)商店[Shop; store], (Yīyuàn)医院[Hospital], (Fànguǎn)饭馆[Restaurant]
  2. (Zhōngguó)中国[China], (Běijīng)北京[Beijing], (Hànyǔ)汉语[Chinese language], (Tiānqì)天气[Weather], (Fēijī)飞机[Plane], (Chūzūchē)出租车[Taxi]
  3. (Shàng)上[Up; on; upward], (Xià)下[Under; below], (Qiánmiàn)前面[Before; in front; at the head; ahead], (Hòumiàn)后面[At the back; in the rear; behind], (Lǐ)里[Interior; inside]
  4. (Jīntiān)今天[Today], (Míngtiān)明天[Tomorrow], (Zuótiān)昨天[Yesterday], (Shàngwǔ)上午[Morning], (Zhōngwǔ)中午[Noon], (Xiàwǔ)下午[Afternoon], (Xiànzài)现在[Now]
  5. (Nián)年[Year], (Yuè)月[Month], (Xīngqī)星期[Week], (Rì)日[Day or date], (Diǎn)点[O'clock], (Fēnzhōng)分钟[Minute], (Shíhou)时候[Moment; time]
  6. (Rén)人[Human being; person; people], (Bàba)爸爸[Father; dad; daddy], (Māma)妈妈[Mother; ma; mamma;mum], (érzi)儿子[Son], (Nǚ’ér)女儿[Daughter], (Xiǎojiě)小姐[Miss], (Xiānsheng)先生[(addressing) Mr.; Mister; sir], (Yīshēng)医生[Doctor; surgeon], (Péngyou)朋友[Friend]
  7. (Lǎoshī)老师[Teacher], (Xuésheng)学生[Student], (Tóngxué)同学[Student; classmate], (Shū)书[Book], (Hànyǔ)汉语[Chinese language], (Zì)字[Written Chinese character], (Míngzi)名字[Name; title], (Zhuōzi)桌子[Desk; table], (Yǐzi)椅子[Chair]
  8. (Cài)菜[Vegetable], (Chá)茶[Tea (liquid drink/tea leaves)], (Shuǐ)水[Water], (Shuǐguǒ)水果[Fruit], (Píngguǒ)苹果[Apple], (Mǐfàn)米饭[Cooked rice]
  9. (Māo)猫[Cat], (Gǒu)狗[Dog], (Dōngxi)东西[Thing; object], (Qián)钱[Money], (Yīfu)衣服[Clothing; clothes; dress], (Bēizi)杯子[Cup; glass], (Diànshì)电视[Television], (Diànnǎo)电脑[Computer], (Diànyǐng)电影[Motion picture; movie; film]
  10. (Tīng)听[Hear; listen], (Jiào)叫[Call(ed)], (Chī)吃[Eat], (Hē)喝[Drink], (Huí)回[Go back], (Mǎi)买[Buy], (Zuò)做[Make; produce], (Zhù)住[Live; stay; dwell], (Zuò)坐[Sit], (Kāi)开[Drive]
  11. (Kàn)看[Look; watch], (Kànjiàn)看见[See], (Xiě)写[Write], (Dú)读[Read], (Rènshi)认识[Get to know; get acquainted with], (Shuōhuà)说话[Speak, talk, say], (Lái)来[Come], (Qù)去[Go; leave]
  12. (Xièxie)谢谢[Thank], (Qǐng)请[Please], (Búkèqi)不客气[You're welcome.], (Méi guānxi)没关系[That's all right. You are welcome.], (Duìbuqǐ)对不起[I'm sorry.], (Zàijiàn)再见[Goodbye]
  13. (Wǒ)我[I; me], (Wǒmen)我们[We; us], (Nǐ)你[You], (Tā)她[She; her], (Tā)他[He; him], (Shéi)谁[Who(m)], (Zhè)这[This; here], (Nà(nàr))那[That]
  14. (Zhèr)这儿[This; here], (Nà(nàr))那儿[There], (Nǎ)哪[Which], (Nǎr)哪儿[Where], (Duōshao)多少[How many; how much], (Jǐ)几[How many], (Zěnme)怎么[How; why], (Zěnmeyàng)怎么样[How about it? how?]
  15. (Dǎ diànhuà)打电话[Make a phone call], (Gōngzuò)工作[Job; work], (Shuìjiào)睡觉[Sleep; go to bed], (Xuéxí)学习[Study; learn], (Xǐhuan)喜欢[Like or be interested in (sb. or sth.)], (Xiàyǔ)下雨[Rain]
  16. (Shì)是[Be], (Yǒu)有[Have], (Huì)会[Can; be capable of], (Néng)能[Can; may], (Xiǎng)想[Want to; be going to; would like to], (ài)爱[Like doing sth.]
  17. (Hǎo)好[Good; nice; well; fine], (Dà)大[Big; large; huge; great], (Xiǎo)小[Small; little], (Duō)多[A lot of], (Shǎo)少[Not much / many], (Lěng)冷[Cold], (Rè)热[Hot; high in temperature], (Gāoxìng)高兴[Happy; glad; cheerful; pleased], (Piàoliang)漂亮[Good-looking; pretty; beautiful]
  18. (Yī)一[One], (èr)二[Two], (Sān)三[Three], (Sì)四[Four], (Wǔ)五[Five], (Liù)六[Six], (Qī)七[Seven], (Bā)八[Eight], (Jiǔ)九[Nine], (Shí)十[Ten], (Líng)零[Zero]
  19. (Gè)个[Universal measure word], (Suì)岁[Year (of age)], (Běn)本[Copy; issue], (Xiē)些[Some], (Kuài)块[RMB Yuan]
  20. (Hěn)很[Very], (Tài)太[Very much or extremely], (Dōu)都[All], (Bù)不[Not; no], (Méi)没[Have nothing or nobody]
  21. (Le)了[to indicate a change of situation], (Zài)在[Exist; lie; be at; be on], (De)的[Of (marker of attributive)], (Hé)和[And], (Ma)吗[Modal particle], (Ne)呢[Modal particle], (Wèi)喂[Hello; hey;hi]