每日中文 Daily ZhongWen



  1. 到了黄石公园,我才体会到什么叫自然风景。
    才体会到什么叫...only then did I realize...indicates that a certain event caused a realization.
  2. 听说父母要给他买一辆汽车,他高兴得不得了
    ……得不得了(...so much is usually placed after an adjective; it used to mean to a great extent.
  3. 今年暑假我有时间的话,我去台湾玩玩。
    ……的话,就…… (if... then...) is used in a conditional statement.
  4. 那件衣服,大就大点儿吧总比没有好。
    ……就……点儿吧,…… (even if...) is an adjective indicating that even though something has a flaw, there are more pros than cons.
  5. 我在网上找来找去也没有找到你说的那条新闻。
    ……来……去 (...here...there) signifies a repetitive action; it indicates that an action is preformed over and over, without attaining the anticipated result.
  6. 钱花有什么可心疼的。
    ……了就……了 (what's done is done)
  7. 中国是个能源大国,有煤、石油、天然气等,其中煤最便宜。
    ……,其中…… (among them) is used to refer to a subgroup of a category or of a larger group previously mentioned.
  8. 要想学好中文,多跟中国人练习是必不可少的
    ……是必不可少的 (...is obliterable)
  9. 这是必须上的课,你喜欢上也得上,喜欢上也得上。
    ……也得……,不……也得…… (if...or... have to) indicates in the first clause that whatever one’s opinions may be, the situation in the second clause is unavoidable.
  10. 这儿有什么好,我们去那边吃小吃吧。
    有什么好……的,…… (what is there to ...) is a rhetorical expression indicating that there is nothing worthy of a certain action.
  11. 要想了解中国的古代建筑风格,去参观苏州园林最好不过了。
    最后不过了 (cannot be better) indicates that something is the best; it is used as a rather advisory expression.
  12. 朋友是朋友工作是工作,不能混为一谈。
    A是A,B是B (A is A, B is B) indicates that two entities should be kept separate.
  13. 现在经济那么不好,不难想象,我毕业时肯定找不到好工作。
    given A, 不难想象B (... not hard to believe...) is used to describe a hypothetical situation.
  14. 生命在于运动,换句话说,多运动对健康有好处。
    given A, 换句话说,B (..., in other words...)
  15. 这么好的音乐会,他能睡着,可见他对音乐没有什么兴趣。
    given A, 可见B
    indicates that something can be inferred from the first clause.
  16. 我最近很忙,况且芝加哥我早就去过了,所以不想跟你们去那儿旅行了。
    given A, 况且B
    means that B elaborates a reason that supports the A assessment.
  17. 我帮同事照顾了两天孩子,由此体会到了当妈妈的辛苦。
    given A, 由此体会到了B (by..., realized... ) indicates realization B by doing A.
  18. ,就不爱逛商店。
    A吧 is used to open a conversation; 吧 should be preceded by a subject whereas 啊 may not need one.
  19. 坐公共汽车,太慢;开车,停车场很难找。
    A吧,X;B吧,Y (on one hand..., on the other hand...) is used to weigh two alternatives when the speaker is indecisive. The two alternatives, A and B, are usually contradictory efforts, and the results of those alternatives, X and Y, are usually both undesirable.
  20. 吸烟身体没有好处
    A对B 没有好处 (A not good for B)
  21. 这次面试关系到我能不能得到那个工作机会。
  22. 一个人的命运和他的性格不无关系换句话说,性格决定命运。
    A和B不无关系 (...and... are not unrelated) indicates that two things are related using a double-negative.
  23. 物价涉及老百姓的日常生活水平。
    A涉及B (A is an element that influences the bigger B)
  24. 他送的礼物实在太贵重了,我接受也不是,拒绝也不是
    A也不是,B也不是 (not... not...) indicates that neither choice is appropriate.
  25. 她送我一件衣服作为生日礼物,可是我真的不喜欢那种样式的。穿也不是穿也不是,真不知道怎么办才好。
    A也不是,不A也不是 (not... or...) is used to weigh two undesirable options.
  26. 在美国,东岸也好,西岸也好,房子贵极了。
    A也好,B也好 (both...) is used to weigh two choices that share something in common.
  27. 你在家闲着也是闲着不如找个学校读读书。
    A着也是A着,不如…… (should you...might as well) indicates that there is a better alternative.
  28. 别说看电视了,就连吃饭的时间没有。
    别说……了,就连……都…… (can't even...,let alone) is used to belittle one thing in order to emphasize that something else shares a similar consequence.
  29. 中国西安的兵马俑别提多壮观
    别提……了…… (without saying...) is used in an exclamatory sentence to emphasize an extreme.
    • 别提多 + adjective (表示程度很高) * 昨天我去爬山,别提多累了! * 我又见到了她,别提多高兴了! * 我这次考试不及格,别提多难受了!
    • “……,更别提……”的句式:(和前一个小句相比较) * 对于我来说,日行5,000步已经是挑战,更别提10,000步了。 * 她连电话都没给我打过,更别提寄贺卡了。
    • “别提了!” (通常用于表述很糟糕的情况) * 别提了,我都中暑好几次了。 * 别提了,真是不幸哦!
  30. 大家都说星巴克咖啡味道好我并不觉得好喝。
    并不…… or 并没……(absolutely not, certainly not, indeed not) appears before negative verbs to assert something contrary to expectation or assumption.
  31. 不大喜欢学工科,可是他父母希望他学。
    不大……可是 (not very...but) is an adverb used to express the idea that the outcome does not necessarily reflect the situation.
  32. 你说得对。不过话又说回来,他说的也不是一点儿道理都没有。
    不过话又说回来 (having said that,...)
  33. 中国人也不见得都会说中文。
    不见得 (not necessarily) is often preceded in colloquial speech by 都 or 也, especially when contradicting someone else’s statement or assumption.
  34. 不就是一个小考吗?你为什么这么紧张?
    不就是……吗? (isn't it just...?) is a rhetorical pattern used to express surprise that something is not in accord with the speaker’s assumptions.
  35. 我这学期选的课都不好。不是太难,就是作业太多。
    不是A就是B (if not A then B; it’s either A or B)
  36. 我丢了钱不算把车钥匙丢了。
    ……不算,还 (...not only, but also...)
  37. 能不能上好大学,不只看SAT成绩,要看社区工作方面做得怎么样。
    不只……,还…… (not only... but also)
  38. 除非我父母同意,我参加那个体育俱乐部,要不然我就什么都不参加。
    除非(unless) indicates that only when a condition is met does the 才 clause occur.
  39. 我的同学除了小王以外去过中国。
    除了A以外,都…… (except for)
  40. 除了有个弟弟以外有两个妹妹。
    除了A以外,还B (in addition to; also; eigher)
  41. 保护环境方面来看还是少开车
    从……方面来看,还是……好 (looking at this from... it is... better) indicates that something may be better when viewed from a different perspective.
  42. 这件事,男人的角度来看,是小事一件。女人的角度来看,却是天大的事。
    从A的角度来看…… (looking from ...’s point of view) indicates an opinion from someone else other than the speaker.
  43. 从整体来说,中国这几年发展得很快。
    从整体上来说…… (overall...)
  44. 昨天为止,我一直在忙那件事。
    到……为止…… (until; up to) is used to indicate the duration of an action or event.
  45. 他在学习上不怎么努力,动不动就不来上课了。
    动不动就…… (easily; at every turn) is used to describe how often something unfavorable happens.
  46. 的印象很不好。
    对……的印象 (impression of...) is used to indicate one’s impression about someone or some event.
  47. 来说,上一个有名的大学是最重要的。
    对……来说 (to...) indicates an opinion that is directed toward a certain person or thing.
  48. 对着家里的大房子住,他偏要住到学生宿舍里去。
    放着……不…… (prefer the latter) is used in the first clause of a sentence with two or more clauses; expresses that one chooses a less desirable option over a more superior one.
  49. 我爸爸病了,我回家不可
    非……不可 (have to, must) is used to indicate an action that one must take.
  50. 我了一个很不好的印象
    给……印象 (give...impression) is used to indicate an impression that is left with someone.
  51. 在中国,有些地方女子结婚“出门子”。
    管……叫……(called) indicates the name of something.
  52. 弟弟把我的车开走了,害得我走路去上学。
    害得…… (causing such harm that...) is used to indicate an event that contributes directly to a harmful result.
  53. 那本书很难买,我跑了很多书店,好不容易买到。
    好(不)容易……(with great difficulty) indicates that something was difficult to accomplish; 好容易 and 好不容易 both mean the same thing.
  54. 美国人纽约在哪儿都不知道!
    还A呢,…… uses a rhetorical predicate to express something which is not satisfactory.
  55. 学文科找不到好工作,你还是学电脑或者医学
    还是……吧 (It's better if...) suggests the best of several alternative actions; it is gentler and more polite than 最好.
  56. 洛杉矶这个城市还是不错的,就是那儿的空气污染太严重了。
    还是……的,就是…… (it may be..., it’s just...) concedes that the subject has a positive quality, but there is also something negative.
  57. 在美国,男女同工不同酬的现象哪儿都有。就拿我姐姐和她男朋友来说,他们做相同的工作,姐姐的薪水却少得多。
    就拿……来说 (take...for example) is used to illustrate a general statement with a specific example.
  58. 我今天特别累,不想去看电影。就算是电影票不要钱,我不去。
    就算是……也…… (even if..., still...) expresses supposition; it usually comes at the beginning of a sentence, but will sometimes come directly before the verb; the clause that follows 就算是 may be either a sentence or a noun phrase.
  59. 儿子比赛得了冠军,看把爸爸妈妈高兴
    看把……的 (see how...) describes to a greater extent.
  60. 我们学校的女子篮球队有名了。你看,小宝宝睡得呢。
    可……了/可……呢 (very...) is an adverb that describes to a greater extent.
  61. 中国古代的科学技术可以说在当时是数一数二的。
    可以说…… (one may say) is used to summarize the thought leading to a conclusion.
  62. 那场比赛真是太精彩了,奶奶跟着我们一起大喊大叫。
    连……也/都…… (even) is used to indicate that something surprising or unexpected is about to happen.
  63. 每当中秋节的时候,家里的人都尽可能地回家团圆。
    每当……的时候 (whenever...) is used to indicate that something always happens during a certain event or time.
  64. 的吧,我坐坐就走。
    你……你的吧 (you do what you're doing)
  65. 你就是不在我这儿吃饭,你说什么也得喝了水再走。
    你说什么也得…… (whatever you say, you have to...) indicates one’s obligations.
  66. 住在学生宿舍很方便,就是稍微有点儿不自由。
    稍微有一点儿…… (a bit too...) is a euphemism used to point out a flaw or problem.
  67. 实话跟你说吧,你这样下去很麻烦。
    实话跟你说吧,……/老实告诉你吧 (to tell you the truth...)
  68. 妈妈脾气很不好,说发火就发火
    说……就 (whenever) indicates that a certain action or event happens unexpectedly.
  69. 我只是偶尔听听音乐,说不上多喜欢。
    说不上…… (...cannot really count for) indicates that something is not up to a certain standard.
  70. 所以经常去中国城,是因为我想那儿的中国人练习中文。
    所以……是因为…… (the reason that...is because...) is used to give the reason for a situation that is already known to the speaker and listener.
  71. 我的同屋不喜欢起床,特别是天冷的时候。
    特别是…… (especially) when followed by a noun phrase, extends the meaning of the preceding sentence.
  72. 我说你怎么老是看电视呀。
    我说你…… (I'll say...you...) indicates that someone is able to point out some flaws about the other person.
  73. 我饿极了,有吃的就行,无所谓好吃不好吃
    无所谓A不A (doesn't matter if...)
  74. 你愿意帮助别人,别人也会帮助你。反之,你不跟人家来往,人家也离你远远的。
    反之…… (conversely...) is used to indicate an assessment from two sides.
  75. 想象不出中国的人多到什么程度
    想象不出……到什么程度 (couldn't imagine how + adjective...) expresses that a situation is at an unbelievable degree.
  76. 你看我这个人,要房没房要车没车,谁会喜欢我呀。
    要A没A,要B没B (there isn't...nor...) indicates that neither A nor B is available to someone or something.
  77. 那个男孩子,要个子有个子要学问有学问
    要A有A,要B有B (there is...and...) indicates that both A and B are available to someone or something.
  78. 要不是为了照顾我们这个家,妈妈早出去工作了。
    要不是……就…… (if not for..., ...probably...) is used to express a hypothetical situation; it is a conditional statement.
  79. 今天下午,我要么去看电影,要么去朋友家玩。
    要么……要么 is a selective conjunction, used before two predicates or clauses to indicate a choice between two or more possibilities.
  80. 要是考不上大学,看你以后怎么办?
    要是……,看你……?(if... let’s see ...) indicates a possible unsatisfactory outcome.
  81. 昨天我出门,女朋友给我打电话了。
    一……就…… (as soon as) indicates a quick succession of related actions.
  82. 姐姐没有买那件衣服,一来颜色不太好,二来太贵了。
    一来……二来…… (first of all...second of all) is used to list causes, reasons, goals, etc.
  83. 他跟朋友们常上网聊天的方式进行交流。
    以……的方式(来)…… (via...) indicates how or by what means something is done.
  84. 应该说明的是,中国在环境方面还存在很多问题。
    应该说明的是,……(it should be made clear that...) is used to clarify a point.
  85. 有的人喜欢热闹,有的人喜欢安静。
    有的……有的…… (some...some...) links two or more clauses to indicate differences.
  86. 这个周末我忙死了,得准备下周的考试,得打工。
    又A又B (not only...but also...) can be used to indicate two concurrent situations or actions; A and B can be verbs or adjectives.
  87. 中国有这样一种说法:入乡随俗。到了这儿就要习惯这里的生活方式。
    在……有这样一种说法:……(in... there is a saying...) is used to open a conversation.
  88. 上电脑课的同时上一门艺术课。
    在……的同时,也/还…… (at the same time...there is still...) indicates that there are two actions happening at the same time.
  89. 选择专业,我和父母的看法完全不一样。
    在……上 (in terms of...) can be used after abstract nouns; it is commonly used with 性格,兴趣.
  90. 早也不晚也不来,偏偏在我最忙的时候来了。
    早也不……,晚也不,偏偏…… (not then... or now...) indicates that something will not happen.
  91. 你打算不打算去中国旅行?这就要看我父母给不给我钱了。
    这就要看…… (it depends on) is always followed by a question, which may be a “verb-not-verb” or “adjective-not-adjective” structure or a question word, but never a 吗 question.
  92. 到了商店,这也不让买,那也不让买,那你把我带到商店来做什么?
    这也不……那也不 (neither... nor...)
  93. 正如我们老师所说,高中的课程没有容易上的,我这学期选的课,门门课都学得不怎么样。
    正如……所说…… (just as he/she said ...) is used to quote someone to make a conclusion.
  94. 要想减肥,只靠走走路不行,你还得跑跑步,游游泳什么的。
    只靠……不行 (just... is not enough)
  95. 我确实想买那件毛衣,只是我刚刚买了条牛仔裤,不能再花钱了。
    只是…… (it’s just that...) is a conjunctive used to connect two clauses, similar to “but”; it appears in the second clause, and is used to introduce a qualification, problem, or exception to the preceding statement.
  96. 众所周知,美国的汽油价格涨得很厉害。
    众所周知,…… (as we all know...) is used to start conversations.
  97. 自从上高中以来,我一直都在选修中文课。
    自从……以来 (ever since...) indicates the duration of time since an event or action occurred; it always refers to the past.
  98. 只要你多听、多说、多写,自然就能学好中文。
    ……,自然就…… (naturally, over the course of time) is used to indicate that an outcome comes about naturally after a period of time; the first clause describes an action or process, which is the condition for the second clause.
  99. 综上所述,我认为选专业还是应该多听听父母的建议比较好。
    综上所述,…… (to sum it up) is used to indicate that the following will be a summary.
  100. 作为中国人,我为2008年奥运会在北京召开感到骄傲。
    作为……,…… (being...) indicates that a certain status results in a certain action or opinion.